Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
You’ve heard the expression, “Home is where the heart is.“ Well it means even more when you read John 14:2 where Jesus says, “In my Father’s house (Gk. monai) are many mansions (Gk. menai).” It is far more extensive in meaning than homes and rooms. There is an elegance in the phrase that leaps beyond the limited idea of how we use the words ‘house’ and ‘room.’ The very idea that Jesus is going to prepare a place in His Father’s House means an exceedingly elevated level above a ‘tent’ or…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 30, 2012 at 1:31pm — No Comments
Thought you might like the following movie review from Ted. ><>W
The movie Iron Lady begins with Meryl Streep portraying an elderly Margaret Thatcher buying a carton of milk at a convenience store. Nobody know hers. Young men of different ethnicities bustle around her without giving her a moment’s notice. She has escaped her caregivers and experienced the world that has moved on since her time of fame as Prime Minister of the United…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 19, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments
As we go through the Gospels we have to always keep in mind that Jesus the person, Jesus the Son of God, Jesus, God in the flesh, is the funnel, the tunnel, the narrowed middle of the hourglass, through which and through whom every word, phrase, paragraph and chapter is filtered. If we approach the Word with the need to grasp and understand it so that I can say ‘My mind has control of it’ you have missed its purpose. It was not amassed to give you control but to open you up to risk…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 17, 2012 at 5:41pm — No Comments
Shakespeare’s famous line for Hamlet, ”To be or not to be, that is the question” gives us an opening to look at the way we arrive at how we see the world. Some say that life is a big question mark. Well, there’s nothing wrong with questioning. But for what purpose and in what context? There are three inevitabilities.
First, if you are out to gain some kind of emotional satisfaction in your ability to reason you will inevitably come to the realization that you always end up in…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 13, 2012 at 9:14am — No Comments
This is from an interview with Ravi Zacharias from The Bible Speaks Today. He is one of the great intellectual evangelists of our day. Let me know if this is helpful for your conversations with those sitting on the edge of faith. God bless, ><>Whitey
Is Jesus the Only Way? Today's reading: John 14:5-14 Anyone can claim to be the sole path to God. In fact, quite a few people have made this assertion throughout history. The real issue is why anybody should believe Jesus was…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 4, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments
This is from an interview with Ravi Zacharias from The Bible Speaks Today. He is one of the great intellectual evangelists of our day. Let me know if this is helpful for your conversations with those sitting on the edge of faith. God bless, ><>Whitey
Is Jesus the Only Way?
Today's reading: John 14:5-14
Anyone can claim to be the sole path to God. In fact, quite a few people have made this assertion throughout history. The real issue is why anybody should…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 4, 2012 at 7:38am — No Comments
Have you ever wondered why people will stand outside computer stores in long lines for hours waiting for the latest operating system, the most recent application, the ‘4G’ phone or the promise of a new style appliance? Or what about the idea of having a new model car or the latest gadget for the home or watching a TV show that plays on an old theme in a new way? And when you get that new thing, whatever it is, have you noticed how quickly you yearn for another something new? That’s the lure…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on January 3, 2012 at 3:24pm — No Comments
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