HKHaugan's Blog – March 2015 Archive (4)

John 23 Chapter 16

The context is still very real here. They're walking, Jesus is talking and the devil is stalking. Jesus and His disciples are walking through the darkness toward a historic valley of darkness surrounded by a world in darkness. The physical darkness being a copy and shadow of spiritual darkness of which the devil is prince. Yet the Light of the World, Jesus, is using words to convey His Light. They are words that lighten the darkness that surrounds them. They will be the substance of their…


Added by HKHaugan on March 31, 2015 at 6:52pm — No Comments

John 22 Chapter 15

Jesus and His disciples have just left the upper room where they were celebrating the Passover. Now they are on their way. The context is Jesus leading them to Gethsemane (which they probably don't realize as yet) and teaching while they are on the move. The world time is short but God's time is the event that will be a spiritual time to secure eternal life for anyone who through faith will believe in Him. So what follows on this teaching walk is series of principles, basics, fundamentals…


Added by HKHaugan on March 22, 2015 at 7:13pm — No Comments

John 21 Chapter 14

Next to the Cross and Resurrection, the Lord's Supper may just be the most significant event in Jesus' mission. You have to be willing to close your eyes and visualize the setting of twelve men reclining around a low table with the Passover elements lying before them. The single reference to them in John is that the meal was being served (13:2). In fact the only other mention of them is the bowl (probably the parsley in salt water signifying the bitter tears of slavery) into which Jesus dips…


Added by HKHaugan on March 16, 2015 at 7:01am — No Comments

John 20 Chapter 13

Chapter 13 begins a series of teachings that will extend through Chapter 17. Chapters 13-14 take place in the upper room. Chapters 15-17 cover Jesus and the disciples walking to and through the Kidron Valley to an olive grove where Judas will betray Him, Jesus teaching along the way. These are Jesus' last teachings before His crucifixion. They are capped by His prayer in which there is a clear assurance for the disciples of the Father's love and care not only for them but for all future…


Added by HKHaugan on March 9, 2015 at 6:08am — No Comments

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