Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Of civilizations and kingdoms, of courts and kings, of temples and altars, of galaxies and planets, comets and stars, of winds and tides, of past and future, of minds and hearts, of all that is and was and is to come the bottom line is this:
“No one can lay any other foundation than the one that has already been laid. That foundation is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).”
This passage displays three elementary truths: about everything in existence, what it means to be a person,…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 30, 2015 at 1:30pm — No Comments
You’ve just been to a movie, heard a speech, read a book, been to a concert, or had a special one-on-one conversation. In each of those something unique was apprehended. A message was sent and received. You saw, heard, felt a spiritual comparison to a biblical truth, a personal truth, a relational truth. It was an insight gained. A trust renewed. An illustration to be shared. In each, there was a moment when the heart was touched and in each, wisdom was transmitted. The impression of that…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 29, 2015 at 6:48am — No Comments
When I see a sunrise I see the Resurrection. When I see a sunset I see the Cross. In both, the beauty is perceived in the heart, contemplated in the mind and located in Jesus. From Son-rise to Son-set, it’s all about Him. If we carry that thought into our moment to moment days, it is the experiences, those personal and interpersonal moments we practice consciously giving to Jesus and observing how He concludes it. We see Him in each new situation and see Him as it ends. It is not that He…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 26, 2015 at 12:43pm — No Comments
After I graduated high school I got out on the road hitchhiking. I found work on a dairy farm in the mountains, a soda shop on Cape Cod, then cutting trees, bar tending, lifeguarding, cooking, and eventually ending up at a shipyard in Jacksonville. When you hitchhike, anything that stops, car or truck, has about it the sense of momentary security. Every ride, every new place, every job was a court of rest and discovery in the world’s wilderness. Even though you know it wouldn’t be for long…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 25, 2015 at 6:38am — No Comments
“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1Jn.3:8 KJV).”
When you're fishing there's nothing worse than a backlash on your reel. It looks like a pile of spaghetti. While others in the boat are casting away you are stuck trying to work through the tangled mess. You pull on one loop and another tightens. This is exactly what happens when we try to solve our own spiritual lostness. Attempting to tackle one problem without being able to…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 23, 2015 at 6:51am — No Comments
“This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes (Ecc.7:29).” [“God made man simple but man complicated it.”}
Albeit a fact that it was my aloneness that drove the engine of my conformity I also needed a community I could trust and that accepted me for who I was and not what I was expected to be. In those anxiety-filled years of adolescence I know now that I was led by the Spirit to enter that Gothic structure far removed in sight and…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 21, 2015 at 8:45am — No Comments
“The man said to me, "Son of man, look with your eyes. Listen with your ears. Pay attention to everything I show you. That is why the Lord brought you here. Tell the people of Israel everything you see (Ezek.40:4)."
This third brush stroke, this third open door. I really don’t know how I got there. A friend perhaps had invited me. I just don’t remember. What I do remember is walking down a street and seeing a big spired church building with jutting parapets along the edges of its…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 20, 2015 at 7:03am — No Comments
‘Justa lookin’ for a home, justa lookin’ for a home” Isn’t Everyone?
Ps.84: 3 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 19, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments
Copies and Shadows of Things to Come
The Seasons of Our Years
When we think of a year it's divided into seasons---Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. We read them by signs of temperature change, the appearance of foliage colors, the harvest of crops, length of daylight and the shedding of leaves. The year moves in cycles of adaptation to a relatively similar environmental shift. However, they move me into a more localized view of seasons. The seasons that happen from day to day. The…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 18, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments
Following up, the Next Step
What we did last time was to share how the 7-fold witness sequence works. But there's more (see yesterday). After the child is found you start a conversation. The absent minded mother had other things on her mind while she was shopping. That happens and there may be a 'why?' attached. Why was she distracted? A family matter maybe or some other…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 16, 2015 at 7:47pm — No Comments
Let's live out the last posting and follow the sequence of thinking spiritually when we find ourselves in a real world situation. Heed Paul's appeal, “Have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus…(Phil.2:5).”
The sequence went like this:
Think spiritually, think Holy Spirit, think Jesus, think Father, think Scripture, think prayer, think like Jesus.
That is the sequence to practice wherever you go.
Then pray it:
–-O God, show me spiritual reality, fill me with…
Added by HKHaugan on June 16, 2015 at 11:05am — No Comments
The most explosive issues in the country today are healthcare, the economy, the Middle East, gender identity and national security. You can add the ones you want. Politicians and their media will keep you edgy and anxious about them. Because they cause so much internal upset we have a tendency to seek their immediate solution. These issues take on a life of their own and consume the media at every turn. People form political groups to push their agenda about how to resolve them. Like all…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 15, 2015 at 7:43am — No Comments
If you don’t know where you came from you can’t know where you are going.
Every year on Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina the Highland Games celebrate the Scottish heritage. Those who have Scot names identify themselves by wearing their clan tartans. There are traditional athletic events, food and the sounds of pipers accompanying old dances. My own heritage has taken me back to Norway to study, to find family and to get a feel for my origins. A friend I met here in Banner Elk…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 14, 2015 at 9:30am — No Comments
“Christ didn't have any sin. But God made him become sin for us. So we can be made right with God because of what Christ has done for us (2Cor.5:21).”
There are two events that stand out in my mind.
The first one: As a young teenager I remember being on a work crew with ten other teens at a camp. I felt very much alone since I didn’t know the others and I was small and skinny besides. One of the kids on the crew was not really accepted by the others and I could sense that if I…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 13, 2015 at 7:56am — No Comments
Recently Matt Damon was in a movie called “The Bourne Identity” in which he played a secret operative named Jason Bourne, found by some fishermen adrift, half dead and unconscious in the ocean. He awoke an amnesiac. He started a tortuous trek to discover who, why and what he was. He found himself completely alone and a target of unseen and unknown forces trying to kill him and he didn’t know why. As he went along he discovered he had the drive to survive and the skill to climb the hill. And…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 12, 2015 at 3:27pm — No Comments
Recently someone said to me, “It’s funny, no it’s not funny, when I begin to pray my mind wanders. I start out with my list and before I get into it I’m off on something else. I get disconnected.” Ever experience that? Probably the first thing you find is guilt nagging at you. You feel depressed and a failure because you are not like those prayer warriors who spend hours in elegant prayer before the Lord. Let me just say there…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 10, 2015 at 11:42am — No Comments
1500 years before Jesus came, that’s when scholars believe Moses wrote Genesis. Genesis contains the roots of God’s plan to recover mankind. It logs us in to the origin of everything, the universe, mankind’s beginning, the fall of man from God and the seed stories of God’s plan for man’s recovery. One in particular sets the stage for the Cross of Christ, our redemption and salvation through it. It is that heart-moving story of…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 7, 2015 at 7:16am — No Comments
75 Shades of Glory
What really makes the human Jesus different from the rest of us that we should follow Him? If He is God the Son how was that revealed in Him? What is there about Him that makes Him a perfect human being in every detail? When He claims to be one with His Father what does that really…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 6, 2015 at 8:34am — No Comments
What really makes the human Jesus different from the rest of us that we should follow Him? If He is God the Son how was that revealed in Him? What is there about Him that makes Him a perfect human being in every detail? When He claims to be one with His Father what does that really mean? Just what are some of the indicators that point to His perfection? Is He really holy? Perhaps the following will be a start in answering…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 5, 2015 at 8:47am — No Comments
Eph.6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Years ago there was a movie called “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” It was about seedpods that traveled across the universe arriving on earth. Each pod carried the copy of an existing earth person. When that person fell asleep, an alien force absorbed and replaced it. The…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 4, 2015 at 8:54am — No Comments
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