Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
The Sermon on the Mount Part 6
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy (Mt. 5:7).”
The fifth blessing is about mercy.
The fifth blessing depends on how we see people. Mercy begins by seeing people as images of God. You are blessed when you see people as God sees them. This is where and how mercy begins. It's critical to any move we intend to make in regard to others. Our sinful nature tends to look on the surface at appearance. It starts with gender,…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 29, 2016 at 7:55am — No Comments
The Sermon on the Mount Part 5
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Mt.5:6).”
The fourth blessing follows with a desire to find out more about how to rely on the Holy Spirit. You hunger and thirst for the best way to be right in every next moment which takes you into the Word that is right, Holy Scripture. The reason is that being right is the deepest need a sinner has. Some say love, faith, compassion are our deepest needs but if…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 26, 2016 at 6:00pm — No Comments
The Sermon on the Mount Part 4
“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth (Mt.5:5).”
The third blessing about meekness is the relational openness with which we approach the world. It is being able to handle every situation from a spiritual point of view. Eternity is the spiritual present when you are a believer. Every situation demands a spiritual response and letting the Holy Spirit guide is being a part of the Kingdom. When we have been spiritually comforted it is…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 25, 2016 at 8:47am — No Comments
The Sermon on the Mount Part 3
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Mt.5:4).”
The second blessing has to do with mourning.
We usually think of it as mourning for the death of a relative or friend. That's one thing. But grief is far more. It's usually for one's self which entails guilt for not having resolved issues that dominated those relationships. It is really a mourning for self, one's guilt, one's unresolved experiences, things we can't change,…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 24, 2016 at 8:04am — No Comments
The Sermon on the Mount, Looking Forward Part 2
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt.5:3)."
The first blessing has to do with personal spiritual poverty.
Remember, the word 'blessing' has to do with the Lord God touching us in mind, heart and spirit through His Spirit. It's to get us to realize how unspiritual we are, to refocus and see ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience. Therefore, it's how much we need to be in…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 23, 2016 at 7:00am — No Comments
Sermon on the Mount, Looking Forward
“Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
Those recognizable words from the program Star Trek give us a feeling for where the Sermon on the Mount is leading us. If you can see yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience then you are a spiritual being…
Added by HKHaugan on June 22, 2016 at 7:30am — No Comments
Identity: Alone, Naked and Afraid
It seems there is a TV show called 'Naked and Afraid' that has taken the Genesis condition of Adam and Eve trying to reduplicate a Garden of Eden situation. I've never seen it but its preview suggests a naked man and woman meet in some wilderness and try to survive. But like all secular contrived theatricalisms it misses the real issue of human imperfection, aloneness, and the spiritual reality of sin causing that condition in the first place. What…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 18, 2016 at 8:30am — No Comments
How Saul Became Paul
Paul discovered he had an identity crisis when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. He was born with an identity that had God's imprimatur. He was a representative of the perfect Law, a chosen people and a coming Messiah. However, Israel had lost the 'coming Messiah' part. He was recognized historically and liturgically but emphasis on obedience to the Law and political survival had replaced their ability to look forward and recognize Him. Their focus was so…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 15, 2016 at 7:53pm — No Comments
How God Makes Us Great Again
God the Father sent His Son Jesus to make us great again. But, because of our inherited Adam-disposition to self-centeredness we have chosen apart from God how we function in the midst of others to be the source of our identity and fulfillment. However, there's a distinct difference between our temporary and spiritual functions. Our temporary functions are based on how others see us and lead us. Our spiritual function is based on how God sees us and leads…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 9, 2016 at 4:14pm — No Comments
Spiritual Identity vs. World Identity
God Wants to Make Us Great Again
We live in a 'humpty-dumpty' environment. Remember 'Humpty?' He fell, broke into pieces and all the king's subjects and horses couldn't put him together again. As we have already said, that is the picture of fallen humanity. When Adam and Eve were separated from God they sought their identity in everything but Him. They lost their greatness and, as a result, so did we. You could see it in the names given…
ContinueSpiritual Identity, The Real You
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put him together again (Mother Goose rhyme).” And, there is a country song that starts with that rhyme and adds “And when I gave to you my heart, you broke it and it fell apart. My heart went boom, that was my doom, I've got a humpty dumpty heart.”
Three immediate spiritual and logical insights come in here. First, mankind is…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 5, 2016 at 8:52am — No Comments
Riots, Anarchy and The Real Thing
“In Jesus, God showed the world what a real human being looked like. He was 'the real thing.”
“He came to show the true identity meant for every human being to be an image and likeness of Himself. In Jesus everyone can have an identity higher, lasting and more profound than any worldly definition. This is why the world atmosphere is full of hate for anything Christian because world powers can’t control believers through fear and intimidation.…
ContinueAdded by HKHaugan on June 3, 2016 at 9:00am — No Comments
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