HKHaugan's Blog – August 2010 Archive (9)

Good News, the Chariot's Coming

That is the title of a song we used to sing at campfire meetings. It was a rouser and everyone joined in. It got us to look forward to the next day and every day we were in camp. In a way it was a theme song. Think about what a chariot is and then who drives it. Visions of ‘’Ben Hur’’ may lurk in your memory. Keep it there for a moment.

Last time we tried to make it clear that faith is a given in us. The question is not whether human beings are faithful. Rather the question has to… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 29, 2010 at 9:10am — No Comments

What Happens When We Die?

At a recent meeting a man questioned what it would be like when we die. There were lots of people who tried to answer but none to his satisfaction. So where do we go and what happens? That is a legitimate question but Jesus does not let it rest there. He counters with a different approach. He wants us to realize the real question is not about where we end up after death or what it’s going to be like when we die. It’s not about a place or a thing or an experience. It’s about a person, that is,… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 28, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Why Faith?

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1 KJV).”

While this is obviously a biblical quote I want to start this section from the world’s perspective. We need a talking ground to be able to communicate what and why we believe the way we do. That will be in the next session. My reason is that this age is one where secularism has gained a foothold in every area of human endeavor. It’s all about ‘me’, my moments and instant… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 26, 2010 at 10:04am — No Comments

What’s It All About Alfie?

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1 KJV).”

This assemblage of words is well known and appears quite often in sermons and writings to touch the heart and challenge the mind to embrace God’s offer of an eternal relationship with Him. They are important words, words of salvation, words of life and words of invitation to share real presence, nature and essence. These are the words used to translate the Greek word, hypostasis. The… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 23, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Why Do We Study the Bible?

Why do we study the Bible? Is it to feel good about what we already believe? Is it having a safe place to be with others who believe the same things? Is it to gather socially and feel safe in the presence of others? Is it a search to make sure that what we believe is right? In other words is it a way to gain an inner sense of security, assurance, so that when you walk away into the world you feel better inside? These are legitimate questions. The reason I say that is because if we are studying… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 22, 2010 at 5:18pm — No Comments

I’ve Fallen and I Did Get Up

It’s absolutely fascinating to experience the way Scripture works on your mind. As you open its pages and you glance across a verse it seems as though there is an invisible spark that ignites the engine of thought into action. In that moment different charges of energy erupt ideas about that verse into being. Sometimes you can’t get all the energized thoughts out. There are too many. The Holy Spirit zooms ahead. If I could only catch up with Him.

For example I was just returning to… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 18, 2010 at 2:50pm — No Comments

To See or Not to See, That is the Congestion

To See or Not to See, That is the Congestion

100% of everything we do is activated by what we can’t see. Evaluation, choice, decision is an invisible process that puts our bodies into action. The reasoning we do, the thinking that consumes every moment is an invisible undertaking. Then we use the word inspiration to describe what motivates our thinking and our thinking into action. Again it’s invisible. Think about that word ‘inspiration’ for a moment. It is an unseen happening… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 14, 2010 at 12:38pm — No Comments

It’s a Matter of Time (cont.)

When we talk about Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden it is commonly referred to as ‘the Fall.’ From what did they fall and into what? They fell from the open range of an eternal relationship with God into the frightening and lonely limitation of time. This theme of falling from God’s presence is inherited and repeated in generational form. The same dynamics that caused the Fall can be seen ‘time’ and ‘time’ again. One particular episode that typifies the limitation of time is… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 9, 2010 at 9:04am — 1 Comment

It's Just a Matter Of Time

There is a TV ad showing a guy with a hooded sweatshirt driving with his wife and discovering he left his sunglasses behind somewhere. He goes back to look for them. One place is a cave. He goes in and quickly emerges in the midst of flurrying bats causing him to put his hood on. There they are. He finds them in his hood. They were there all the time.

The last place you would think to look is where you find what you lost. This is a common occurrence for many of us. If we really look… Continue

Added by HKHaugan on August 8, 2010 at 4:57pm — 1 Comment

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