Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

Two verses stand in unavoidable contrast as Paul appeals to the Colossian believers, 2:20 and 3:1. Both start with ‘since.’ One has to do with death and the other has to do with life. The first reads like this, “Since you died to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules?” The second: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” The contrast is apparent. The world is this huge ominous social and physical environment in which a self-conscious person faces all kinds of pressures internally and externally and one in which he has to find meaning and purpose. Paul knows the Colossian believers are struggling under these burdens. It’s really no different today is it? The world is a ‘pressure cooker.’ So Paul’s purpose is to reinvigorate the reality of Christ in their minds and hearts because it is in Christ alone that you find the perspective and the specifics to evaluate where and who you are.

‘Since’ is the operative word. You can also say ‘because’, ‘therefore’, ‘just as’, ‘considering that’; all point to what has just been stated prior to using those words. That’s Paul’s methodology. If something real has occurred it implies an obvious true conclusion. His observations always have a summary thought. “You died to the principles of the world” and “you have been raised with Christ.” You leave the world’s principles while you are in the world and set your mind on the realities and location of the risen Christ.

Keep in mind as we continue, the one primary biblical truth, Jesus is not religious, He is relational. So Paul contrasts three things: religion and relationship, death and life, the world and Christ.

Now given that the ‘world’ is secular society, the principles of thought and behavior in it are the man-devised rules that demand conformity to it. There are institutional religious and social rules written and unwritten, there are economic rules, psychological and emotional rules that promote the pride factor in every heart. Looking at them closely we find that they are survival rules derived from fear. In every secular interaction fear determines the approach to every next moment thus making compromise and conformity the sand castles of secular society. These are the cause of stagnation, poverty, elitist power, loss of individuality, depression and the formation of the ghetto of resigned and hopeless desperation. The end is death.

We can identify with this ghetto's present symptoms. There’s political correctness, fear of offense, which is neither political nor correct (anything based on fear is hardly a secure foundation for being political or correct). There’s multiculturalism, which is the false belief you can relocate and preserve a strident dogmatic religious and political lifestyle that denies the basic tenets of the culture being entered. Then we have modern educational systems riddled with a philosophy of being child-centered instead of content centered in which we spend more time in concern for self-worth than self-accomplishment. Orientation in external absolute values disappears since absolutes are no longer relevant which means that discipline loses its place since it may damage one’s fragile psyche.

The basic truth that accomplishment is the source of self-worth is fading. This was the foundation of American development from its inception. However other forces have been at work. Another intrusive world principle has entered. When a large segment of the populace depends upon its government for economic, social and personal survival and recognition, the power to be a creative, productive achiever which is what human beings are designed for, becomes a lingering memory. Forced acceptance, intimidating compliance and overzealous interference in the choices individuals make disrupts, corrupts and erupts into division and dissatisfaction.

All of the above symptoms, and there are many more, are part of secularization, the process by which a culture becomes despiritualized therefore depersonalized and demoralized. It is the removal of absolute values replaced by instant gratification based on perceived momentary needs. Ultimately it leads to moral anarchy and the death of the culture and mankind.

Paul saw this process in his time and presents what he knew was the only answer, bring the relational Savior, Jesus the Christ, into the hearts of everyone he could and get the gathered believers as the Body of Christ to be the missionary force to accomplish this. He knew that politics, philosophy, economics, military power and religion were literally dead ends. It was the human heart that needed transforming. So it was his goal to keep believers conscious of the presence of Christ in their hearts and not be swayed by the pressures of an anti-Christ world with all its subtle and seductive principles.

So he forcefully brings to the Colossians’ attention to “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory (Col.3:3-4).” The message is no different today.

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