Easter 15 Resurrection Appearances

Easter 15 The Start of the Resurrection Appearances

In John 20 the first appearance of the resurrected Jesus after His death is introduced by His disappearance (vs.1-8). Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb only to find it empty. She assumes that someone has stolen the body. She runs to tell Peter who in turn runs to the tomb with the other disciple whom Jesus loved. They entered the tomb. What they saw jarred them. Jesus’ grave clothes were still there. The linen strips intertwined with the 75 pounds of aloes and myrrh encasing Jesus’ body (Jn.19:39-40) remained neatly arranged. It was as though His body simply disappeared, evaporated, dematerialized, through His encased grave wrappings, causing them to collapse where they were. They were not gone or strewn about, which would have been the case if the body were stolen or disturbed. The grave clothes remained intact but the body was gone! This is what caused them to believe. It wouldn’t be until later, after they searched Scripture, that their experience would be spiritually explained and confirmed.

What do we find here? Three conclusions that cannot be ignored.
First, you can’t ignore the Resurrection because the Resurrection won’t let you ignore spiritual reality. The empty tomb defies its denial. It has added spiritual perspective to the way human experience has been and will be recorded. Human history is not just a record of visible events but also a record that includes the invisible spiritual forces driving those events. Regardless of what people believe in, belief itself is a spiritual function and what people believe brings with it spiritual forces motivating their action.

Second, you can’t ignore Scripture. The Resurrection lifts Scripture above all other literature. It presents a balanced, logical and rational context for the guidance of the mind and heart. It concentrates on the importance of individual human belief and behavior as the true center of power in shaping the world. The Resurrection has made the Scripture the spiritual lifeline for all humanity.

Third, and most important of all, you can’t ignore Jesus. The Resurrection is really all about Him. He is the One who challenged the idea that history is simply record of the events of governments, empires, kings, kingdoms and their enterprises. He restored the idea that it is individuals who have faith and act in faith that shape history. History is really the result of what people believe in and their willingness to act upon what they believe. Ninety nine percent of humanity goes unrecorded in secular history but every act of every person is recorded in spiritual reality. Jesus is the One who shifts the burden of history’s movement to Himself and His people. History is real, spiritual, eternal and personal. Because of Jesus everything takes on a personal and interpersonal dimension.

Next, the disciples leave, Mary remains behind grieving. What happens next? Stay tuned.

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