Easter 17 Sharing the Resurrection With Others---Some Starting Points
The Resurrection of Jesus rolled away the stone of fear from the tomb of uncertainty surrounding the invisible spiritual dimension. The Resurrection of Jesus removes the linen strips of speculation, philosophy, mythology, idolatry, agnosticism, atheism, complacency, denial and institutional religion that have immobilized the mind and heart. The Resurrection has brought truth, faith, hope, joy and love back to the heart and mind. Of course we can inject our own personal experience but let’s carry it a step further and think about how and what we have to share regarding it with those who have yet to believe. Looking at the Resurrection in more detail here are 16 observations that might be used to open a conversation about Jesus and His Resurrection. To these I hope you’ll add your own.
1.The Resurrection has made the life of Jesus the ultimate human standard by which the intellect, emotions and the body find their meaning and purpose.
2.It has lifted the Scripture as the single most important set of documents in history since it is all about Jesus, His meaning and purpose. He relied on Scripture as His written authority. He stated that not one ‘jot or tittle’ mark of Scripture could be changed. He even quoted it in the midst of His death on the Cross. It remains the world’s most purchased book. Its themes are pervasive in literature, art, music and drama. Attempts to destroy its credibility only magnify both its truth and the Person it so masterfully presents.
3.The Resurrection has put everything seen and unseen in a spiritual perspective.
4.It has revealed the awareness of individual aloneness from birth to death as the primary problem of personal existence.
5.It has given the means and method to understand and overcome aloneness.
6.It has answered three foundational questions for the individual,---Who am I? Where am I going? How am I going to get there?
7.It has highlighted four basic human needs as spiritual---identity, relationship, behavior and the need to be right about them in mind and heart.
8.It has raised the dignity and importance of the individual as a person and the dignity and importance of living interpersonally in family, society and political groupings.
9.It has revealed three sources that undermine balance and harmony in existence---sin, evil, the devil and how to identify and overcome them.
10.It has opened the door to the evaluation of all human attempts to understand existence: its source, its purpose and its destiny.
11.It has singled out the Cross as the defining power for daily living as an individual person in the world.
12.It was the Resurrection that brought together and bonded a frightened, scattered group of disciples who courageously spread the message of Jesus resulting in their persecution and death. Out of their witness the greatest human recovery movement in history has taken shape, grown and changed the course of history.
13.The calendar is dated from Jesus’ birth.
14.The missionary spread of Jesus’ message has resulted in the founding of nations, social movements, medical discoveries, the framing of laws, the naming of cities, towns and villages and has made the Cross a symbol to be seen on the flags of many nations. The impact of the person of Jesus as recorded in Scripture is found all over the world. Even religions have been founded to try and rival Him.
15.Every generation births the same arguments and searches for new ways to dethrone Jesus, His Word and His people. His detractors are many, their arguments repetitious but the fact remains, they die, He lives and His influence grows. His enemies’ movements bear no fruit, deliver no answers to human suffering and offer no change and hope for the mind and heart.
16.While the imperfections, hypocrisy and mistakes of believers are the root of most attacks, the effect of the character, the integrity and nature of Jesus Himself carry the weight of His truth and remain in spite of the moral, intellectual and emotional failures of people. The change and transformation of His followers from self-centered to God-centered is proven to be a maturing process not a finished product in this world. It only underscores the truth of the perfection Jesus is and the work He did to restore His people to His Father.
Now it is your time to add your ideas here. There are many more amongst you I know. Please share. Add to the blogs. It only helps the rest of us. Here is where we can support one another. It is inevitable that we will come across questions from acquaintances, friends and relatives.
Next, John 20:19-23, stay tuned.
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