Easter 21 Resurrection and Something About to Happen John 21

Easter 21 Resurrection and Something About to Happen John 21

All the Resurrection appearances have a message of expectation because of the fact Jesus rose from the dead. Each appearance carries a unique theme as we have seen. The same is true for this third appearance to the disciples encompassing the whole of Chapter 21. Its uniqueness is that it brings together the intent behind all John has written about Jesus, “Therefore go and make disciples.” It is in essence a “therefore” motivation. The overall tenor of the chapter is missionary in emphasis and Trinitarian in context. But there is one thing more. The Resurrection appearances carry an air of expectancy

If anything this chapter looks ahead. The atmosphere feels preparatory. As you read it you sense there is more to happen. It is no longer ‘business as usual,’ or the depressing resignation ‘life goes on.’ This is the beginning of a new world, the reclamation of something lost. Excitement reigns. History is about to be turned on its head. Nothing will ever be the same again. God has acted and the King will be coming back for what is rightfully His. It will not be done with military, economic, religious or social power. Something far greater lies ahead---He will reclaim what is most precious to Him, the sea of broken images of Himself, hearts lost and adrift. Those responding will be His Kingdom’s beachhead and partners in the process of restoring all Creation. And it will be done spiritually.

First, the missionary emphasis (vs.1-14).
The physical setting points to the entire spiritual dimension, the door of which is Jesus who leads us into its center. In these verses we are given ten events that offer spiritual insight.
1. fishing in the darkness,
2. Jesus’ presence in the early morning,
3. 7 disciples,
4.Jesus’ question,
5.His direction,
6.Peter’s action,
7.Jesus’ request,
8.His invitation,
9.His feeding and
10.their inner sense of His presence.
The following observations are very brief and only touch the surface of their deeper spiritual significance which each of us could expand upon. Let’s look at each.
FIRST, Peter returns to fishing and six of the disciples follow him. Apparently they fish all night but catch nothing. They must remember when He first called them that He told them they would be fishers of men in a world that was a sea of spiritual darkness. They will be spiritual fishermen with Jesus at the helm of their boats. Without consciousness of His presence their fishing will produce nothing.
SECOND, Jesus appears on the shore early in the morning but they don’t recognize Him. Think sunrise or ‘Son’rise. The light of God is breaking before them. What was once hidden in the dark is now open. Until He speaks (the Word) and they recognize Him (place Him in mind and heart) they simply drift.
THIRD, note that there are 7 disciples (the days of Creation), which is consistent with the sevens in the whole of John’s Gospel, the number of perfection.
FOURTH, Jesus asks them a question, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” He’s not asking because He doesn’t know. He knows all right. He asks them because they need to realize that without Him they won’t catch anything. All Jesus’ questions are intended to make us aware of our spiritual condition, where we are, where others are and, in this case, to analyze the best place and best way to fish.
FIFTH, He tells them to throw their net on the right side of the boat after which they make a huge catch. Jesus knows where the fish are. He knows where we are. He knows where we need to be fishing.
SIXTH, when Peter hears it is the Lord he covers himself and jumps in the water (In Gen.3, remember how Adam hid?). It seems he still carries fear and the guilty memory of his leaving Jesus alone. He is still in need of internal cleansing.
SEVENTH, Jesus already had a fire prepared and fish cooking as they came ashore but asks them to bring some of theirs. They will be working together in fishing for souls and He will fill them with the fire of the Spirit.
EIGHTH, Jesus invites them to eat bread and fish. Jesus is always inviting us to eat with Him and there will be a wedding banquet in the Kingdom when Jesus returns for His bride, the Body of Christ.
NINTH, Jesus feeds them. Remember back to the episode of the feeding of the 5000? There were two fish (the Law and the prophets) and 5 loaves of bread (the 5 Books of Moses). Here Jesus combines the fish and the bread (“I am the bread of life”), the Word and His fulfillment of it.
TENTH, His presence is recognized from within. They no longer had to ask Him who He was. They knew He was the risen Lord. Who they knew by sight would soon be whom they knew and trusted within.

All ten events carry the expectation of something else Jesus will do, something else that these events are laying the groundwork for. Pentecost is coming.

Second, the Trinitarian context (vs.15-29).
Jesus’ first appearance to the disciples emphasizes God the Father’s forgiveness. Before they can make disciples they must experience His forgiveness in order to offer His forgiveness to others.
The second appearance to the disciples centers on Jesus. Thomas’ disillusionment and doubt are removed by personal faith in Jesus as God the Son, the only One through whom the heart can be restored to the Father.
The third appearance to the disciples centers on the mission and follow-up Jesus gives them---Himself, which is the work of the Holy Spirit. They are to share all they had experienced of Him and been taught by Him. He is the way (the pattern for daily living) to the Father. He is the truth (The Word of God) for the mind. He is the giver of eternal life for the heart (The Holy Spirit). This gives each of them a three-fold spiritual work, which they are to share together---feeding the lambs (the spiritually newborn), taking care of the sheep (the Body) and feeding the sheep (presenting the message to the lost).

Again, Pentecost is coming, stay tuned.

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