Easter 9 Resurrection and The Challenge of Hope

Easter 9 Resurrection and The Challenge of Hope

Romans 8:
22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

The Resurrection raises the importance of hope. As we have already seen, it is His hope that becomes the platform to understand and spiritually enable us. His hope makes hope more than wishful thinking. It is a revealed living quality of God. It walks hand in hand with faith. It is a quality that Jesus demonstrated for us.

Here are 7 challenges His hope presents:

First, Hope gets us to look forward. Jesus never reminisced nor was He trapped in nostalgia. It was not the way things used to be but the way things can be when God’s will is trusted. He didn’t wish for things, He prayed for God’s will to be done as He went.

Second, Hope keeps us on the move. Jesus didn’t rest on His accomplishments. He always was moving on to the next town, the next person, the next opportunity. For Jesus every moment was an opportunity.

Third, Hope keeps us focused. Jesus knew His Father was in Him. He knew the Spirit was guiding Him through the Word. He knew that His hope was in the Resurrection through His death. He hoped what the Word promised.

Fourth, Hope transcends our present circumstances. Jesus gets us to see life from God’s perspective. That is why we go to the Scripture to know what He hoped. We can be swallowed up by the immediacy of everyday relational and economic pressures.

Fifth, Hope gets us to think biblically. Again, Jesus was a man of the Word, His Word. He showed us time and again thinking biblically is thinking spiritually. When we think spiritually the Holy Spirit prompts us to faith and when we are moved to faith the Spirit moves us to act.

Sixth, Hope gets us to practice patience. Are we anxious for the moment? Are we praying for immediate satisfaction? Do we worry a lot? Do we let things we can’t control overtake us? Jesus is the example of patience. He took circumstance as it came and responded in hope that He was doing His Father’s will and in faithful action. He never worried. He waited when it was time to wait and trusted when it was time to trust.

Seventh, Hope leads us to faith. Faith brings with it risk. Risk is the demand of every choice and decision we make. Jesus was a moving target for those who wanted everything done in the moment, for those who used secular strategies to accomplish what they wanted and for those who used human power to intimidate. Hope defines what our faith does. Biblical hope brings biblical faith.

Does what we hope for prepare us to live in the presence of God, the presence of others and secure in our heart? Does what we hope for help us to live in the Kingdom of God as Jesus presented it? And that most important consideration, does what we hope help spread the Kingdom? Hope is the context that gives faith its base.

More about hope. Stay tuned.

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