Prayer for the day.
It seems that everyone is dealing with some heavy stuff out there. The amazing thing is that of all the six and a half billion folks out there the Lord knows exactly what is going on in each life at every moment. Nothing escapes Him and nothing stands in the way of Him responding to our prayers for one another. To the ones that have called for special intercession on their behalf may we just pray together,
O Lord God, Heavenly Father, your heart is grieved for your people who struggle through the morass of emotional pain and physical suffering. You and you alone know the hearts and minds of each person we lift up to you. Touch their lives today in a way that they will know your presence. May your touch not only give them peace and a sense of stability in what they are going through but also bring healing to their minds and bodies. Let your Spirit bring that healing touch to the exact place you know will accomplish your will for them. Without you we are alone. With you we are not only restored to you but connected to one another in a way that goes far beyond the limits of time and distance. In this prayer we are together and know your action will be in your time and in your way fulfilled and completed to perfection. Thank you Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.
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