I Love Epiphanies
The mystery of the Gospel---“Christ in you, the hope of glory (Eph.1:27).”

It was one fine sermon at church yesterday. The theme was ‘Epiphany’ fittingly explained on what in many churches is celebrated as a special day in their church year. The word is of Greek origin and means to appear. Used in its church context it recognizes that when Jesus appeared He came not just to be the Jewish Messiah but the Savior of all mankind. In our day the word has a broader meaning. Having an epiphany means to realize something new, have a unique insight and as the preacher noted, to have an ‘aha!’ moment.

One significant ‘epiphany’ presented was a right-on principle that cuts through our self-protective attitude toward unchurched people---we don’t have to change them in order for them to come to church. Now if we think about that for a minute we have to admit several things. First, we can be judgmental in first impressions. I know when I see people all decked out in tattoos, jewelry embedded in lips and tongues, hairstyles, underwear on the outside and loud obnoxious attention-drawing behavior I immediately build a wall of disgust, judgmental opinion and avoidance. Like the priest in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan I walk by on the other side. This was another point the preacher brought out in his sermon. We build internal walls that keep us removed from the uncomfortable part of the world. Maybe we’ve been there and don’t want to go back or maybe we’re in a new place that makes us feel we fit and we can forget the past. It’s safer where we are now.

But could it be that our forgiven past is where unchurched people are? Or could it be that we are called to be aware of people around us as we move about? Or could it be that we are being called to read the dynamics behind the exterior behavior, be patient, get to know people right where they are and simply be a ‘Jesus person’ to them? So when you know that your judgment juices start to flow you can ask the Lord to forgive you and let the Spirit give you the faith to be open, trust Him for the way to act and the words to speak?

The Bible makes it very clear what is in non-believers’ hearts. Genesis 3 tells us they are filled with fear. They are full of pride. They are hiding behind the fig leaves of defensive cover-up attitudes and behavior just like Adam and Eve. They are building their own walls to handle their world in what they consider to be the best way they can. They don’t want anyone to know who they really are because inside they are empty or filled with all kinds of self-justifying ideas, opinions and attitudes. If we are being honest with ourselves we have to say we are still recovering from our unbelieving past.

But having the Lord Jesus we know that part of the reconstruction project in us is to open up in belief, trust and faith and realize that His awakening of us leads us to seeing every person as someone in need of Jesus. The Lord rings a note of compassion in the way we see others especially in their distressed condition. We have to look through the condition to see the image in them. How do we know that? Consider Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 or the woman caught in adultery in John 8. How about the Roman centurion whose servant was dying, the widow’s only son who had died, both in Luke 7. He sought out the despised tax collectors, the rejected, the poor and made His appeal even to clergy and political leaders. He didn’t try to change them. He simply made Himself available and the rest was the work of the Spirit through Him. That’s our calling, be available and the Holy Spirit will do the rest through us.

Now here are three guidance principles to build that heart platform. First, open the Scriptures. It’s nice to have a planned series you can read. But if you are like me, I just pick up the Gospels and wherever they take me that’s where I go. I follow the marginal notations that take me across the different books of the Bible. I find it fun to read a parable then to look at the parallel notations and see the principles match across Scripture. However you choose to go the Spirit will use that to build a reference system in your mind. It’s not memorizing but giving the Spirit room to maneuver you in a way that uses your experience to get across the principles for that moment you need them. He uses the gift of creativity He gives every person right where they are with who they are.

Second, pray. After you read, pray. Praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank them in how each has blessed you. Thank God for the insights, the epiphanies He has given you. Then pray for the wisdom to meet each new moment with your eyes on Him and with expectancy as you meet those about you who are images of God, believer or unbeliever. Those are the only two kinds of people there are.

Third, keep one question in front of you all the time. It’s the one the Lord asks Adam, “Where are you?” When you ask yourself this question it will keep you honest because the Lord wants you to realize wherever you are in mind, heart and spirit, He is with you. Also the results are your spiritual treasury not anyone else’s. These moments are the blessings that await you and me, each of us. Remember, acceptance or rejection in the response of others, both are blessings (Mt.5:10).

All in all we want to help everyone have an ‘epiphany’ and eventually hear the Lord ask them personally, “Who do you say I am?”

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Comment by Karen McMahon on January 7, 2013 at 3:23pm

I feel like I have been getting stuck in my particular situation and not really talking to God.  The last several posts of yours have been so revealing to me.  Thank you again.

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