Lent 12 Matt.5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Who are the pure in heart? How does one know if his heart is pure? Is a pure heart attainable? These questions are obviously in the front of any mind that seeks to be one with God, settled within and trusted by others. David knew the answer when he wrote, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false (Ps.24:3-4).”

From this passage we can see David had three standards to measure his heart---his hands, idolatry and truth.

First, David knew fully well the heart motivates what the hands do. Hands reveal the heart. That is why David mentions them together. The hands are the most illustrative members of the body. We do most of our manual tasks with our hands, we communicate with our hands and we direct the activities of the body through the hands. If our hands are clean it means our hearts are clean. Everything from the way we handle money, express ourselves, preen the body, all have a story to tell about the heart. If we really look closely at the activity of the hands we will see our hearts.

Second, David was completely aware of the idolatrous nations all around him. Pagan temples, statues and practices surrounded and tempted God’s people. But just what is the trap idolatry sets before us? Simply this, idolatry is allowing the heart to be motivated by something other than God. Round up the usual suspects and you will find success, security, personal peace, wealth, status and recognition. Of course with these come the spirits that fuel their isolating tendencies---pride, fear, greed, lust, all of which lure us into the arena of instant gratification. There, as idolatrous gladiators, we find ourselves eventually standing alone swinging wildly in the unseen. Only defeat in emptiness awaits.

Third, David was totally alert to the truth of God. Even in his worst moments David knew exactly where he was and what he was doing. Why? Because God kept him aware of His presence. This made David immediately conscious of the falseness, the superficial and the deceptive that moved about him. He kept His focus on the Lord. And for us, this too can happen only as we are willing to lift our eyes to the ‘hill of the Lord.’

It is the Lord’s eyes with which we see what is really around us. Our vision starts as His did, with the Word. He is the source of truth and His Word is our eyes. David knew this and the Son of God has come to show He and His Word are the truth revealed. He takes us through this world exposing the fake within and without. The important thing to see is that each of us is unique and God knows the unique needs each of us has.

With our eyes on Jesus as the truth we are given His Spirit to discern each situation as it arises.

Trusting His Word as our guide the Spirit provides how that Word works in a given situation. Our trust in Him will reveal the temptation to swear by, to trust, that which is not true. He is the truth. He brings light into the invisible and allows us to discern what is real from what masquerades as real.

If anything, the blessing here is the realization that we are not pure in heart nor is anyone else for that matter. That throws us on the mercy of God who shows that repentance is the way to allowing the pure heart of the Lord to be our heart. Again, note the progression through which we have come:---spiritual poverty, real mourning, humility, hunger for being right, mercy and now pure in heart. Only as we have become aware of the order here can we approach the ‘holy hill’ of heart purity.

When our hearts yearn for, hunger and thirst for purity of heart, the Lord fills us with the Spirit who brings His pure heart to rest in ours. Then the Lord of the Sabbath brings the true Sabbath rest into the moment of our need. Truly blessed then are those who seek to be pure in heart for they will be filled. Stay tuned.

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Comment by jacque Wright on March 30, 2009 at 9:42am
My heart was breaking this morning as I was asking God about His presence in my life. I feel He brought me straight to the computer before doing anything else, to get my answer in this mornings message. My foolish questions were: "God, do I really know you, am I really in your presence, is that really your voice I hear; how do I know for sure? The answer was revelled to me in the heart of God. In seeking His heart and in trusting Him with all of my heart He will always be with me, assuring me of his presence. My job is to seek that pure heart of God. Thank you Whitey; God has given me a gift through you. My Father lives in me!
Love in Christ,

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