Lent 21 The Gifts of Administration---Part 1

Lent 21 The Gifts of Administration---Part 1

“And in the church God has appointed…those with gifts of administration…(1Cor.12:28).”
Three questions stand out immediately when administration is mentioned, what is its meaning, use and application?
First, its meaning. The Greek word is ‘kubernaseis’. Properly defined it is translated as ‘governings’ in the KJV. It involves overseeing and organizing activities in the Body of Christ.
Second, its use. In Jesus’ day it was widely used in Greek culture as the word for ‘helmsman’ from ‘kubernao’ to steer a ship. It is this connotation that most likely influenced Paul’s use of the word as a picture of what those having this gift were doing, steering the local congregations as though they were steering a ship.
Third, its application. Taking our cue from the Greek use of the word, the way we apply its meaning in our time doesn’t change nor does it change in any age. And we can’t overlook the fact of Paul’s plural use, ‘gifts.’ There is not just one administrator but apparently several.

Administration starts with Jesus. He is the Lord, the one administrator, the One who reveals God’s will, the mind of the Father. He is our destiny. His life is our life forever. He is the One who rescued us from sin and the devil. He is the One we worship and emulate. When the Father placed all things under His authority (Matt.28:18) He became the administrator of all things.

It is the mind of Jesus that directs the operation of the Body and the minds and hearts of those within the Body. He does this through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Person of ministry, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you (Jn.14:26).”

So with Jesus as starting point we go to His immediate direction. It is obvious He not only had a structure in mind but also a heritage and a set of managing principles that were formed for Him in the Word. He was administering what had been prepared for Him. For instance, He had a mission well defined, the recovery of lost mankind. It was to be done heart by heart by the power of His Spirit. It would be spiritual, personal and interpersonal. It would copy the structure of God’s people Israel. Just as God called Noah and Abraham giving them faith, then calling Jacob giving them twelve tribes, then calling Moses and giving them the Law so Jesus called twelve disciples with a mission.

A new spiritual family would be formed that He would manage through His Presence, His Word and His Holy Spirit. They would have spiritual gifts to live as witnesses, testifying, sharing and ministering to bring the lost world and its people back to God.

In Jesus (Immanuel, God with us) all the history of Israel would find its fulfillment both in symbol and practice. His Sermon on the Mount would in essence be the new Ten Commandments, not replacing them but fulfilling them. Where the prophets were the course correctors for the nation of Israel, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit acting through Scripture, would touch the individual heart and guide the new family of hearts reborn in the Spirit. This is the foundation for what the gifts of administration are all about. Their work is organizing, arranging and directing the Body’s activities internally and externally.

It is a framework with a purpose, “…that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph.4:12-13).”

Next we look at the specifics of administration, teaching the gifts, identifying the gifted and organizing them for ministry and mission. Stay tuned……….

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