Lent 24 Gifts of Administration, The Question, The Plan, The Problem Part4

The Question
Where do the gifts of administration fit in the Body? First, we need to ask, is there a clear picture in everyone’s mind what the mission of the Body of Christ is, what the consequent vision to fulfill it is in a specific geographical area, what structure is necessary to see that the local vision is accomplished in terms of leadership, committees, training, evaluation of performance and so on? These all need supervision (literally, vision from above, ‘super’ vision) and because it is a spiritual mission and vision you need those who are spiritually gifted to see the vision through. Whether it is something as seemingly mundane as set-up, program design or cooking, you want gifted people to do them because they know they are doing it for the Lord, the Body and the blessing of simply enjoying the exercise of their gift.

The Plan
I would suggest three kinds of administrators: organizers, arrangers and directors. The first are those who can organize the gifts according to what is agreed upon as the best approach to fulfilling the vision. The second are those who can arrange the specifics like setting up the committees and choosing the gifts best suited for that committee’s task. The third are those who can direct a specific committee’s task, initiate its action and keep the overall vision before the committee.

Those with the gifts of administration operate first out of the common values and virtues they have learned in the Spirit (1Tim.3:1-13). Second, they operate out of the understanding of service to the Lord and in service to the brothers and sisters in the Body (Col.3:12, 23). Third, prayer and sharing with others in leadership keep the mission of the Body central. No one administrator operates in a vacuum (Acts 13:13-38). Fourth, administrators trust the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Body, the individual gifts of the brothers and sisters, trust being the operative word (2Cor.13:5-10).

Those with the gifts of administration see the whole picture. They have the vision. They have a sense of why, what, when, where and how tasks are best undertaken. They work in concert with clergy, elders and other appointed or elected leaders and hopefully are the ones chosen to fill those positions.

The Problem
It would be great if all churches operated this way but unfortunately they don’t. The gifts approach has largely been ignored due to many factors.

First, so many churches have relinquished vision, mission and thinking to a single figure, the pastor, the rector, priest or whatever the ‘head man’ is called. This fact has opened the door to those who have control issues who tend to micromanage or who believe that they alone hear from God. People then simply defer to the local clergyman saying, ‘he’s the professional and whatever the pastor wants is what we do.’ Because of this attitude in many places, the expectations built around the pastor are enormous, mostly unwritten, unspoken and predetermined by local traditions.

Second, denominations are built more around central doctrines, liturgies and rules rather than the biblical idea of the gifted Body of Christ.

Third, you have those controlling figures: longtime boards, local ‘patriarchs’ and ‘matriarchs’ who are quick to say ‘but that’s the way we’ve always done it.’

Fourth, seminaries educating and training clergy are usually so wrapped up in theology and doctrinal justification they overlook the central biblical structure the Scripture presents, the gifted Body of believers. Paul’s emphasis in three of his epistles couldn’t be clearer. He has four passages in those that stand out. They show the Lord’s own directive as to how He wants His Body to be assembled and function. They reflect His will.

Fifth, there has been a gross lack of education about gifts. Question: How many sermons, conferences and committees have you experienced in your lifetime that are centered on spiritual gifts? If giftedness is the way by which a local congregation is to function according to Scripture, why isn’t it?

“God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next. May our dependably steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all. Then we'll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus! (Rom.15:4-6 Message Bible)”

More…stay tuned………

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