Now, About John the Baptizer.......

Gospel of John 2 Outline

Now, About John the Baptist.......

Think about the common practice that dominates our cell phone use, 'selfies.' Suppose every time we look in a cellphone to take a 'selfie' we see Jesus. That is the basic purpose of the Gospel of John.

Continuing ideas from the Gospel of John to keep in mind: Beginning, Word, Uniqueness, Newness, Looking Forward, Availability, Spiritual Thinking, Jesus Consciousness, Every Next Moment (Event), Life, Light vs.Darkness. These are the contextual concepts with which to view this Gospel.

Next we look at John the Baptist who takes up about half of the first chapter in John's Gospel. He is prominent in all the Gospels as the prophesied forerunner of Messiah Jesus. His theme is mentioned in Acts 13:24. What we need to see about John is that his prominence seems to indicate what our role is in our everyday world. He was a forerunner, someone who paved the way for the coming Messiah. What John was we, as Jesus' disciples, are called to be.

Baptism (ceremonial washings in Leviticus 11-15) was to restore people to their former position. Baptism by John was to prepare people for the coming Messiah and His Baptism of the Spirit.

Jn.1:6 John (name means God's graciousness), a man sent from God,
vs.7-8 witness to the light (Gk.marturion=martyr), he was not the light
vs.9 true light that gives light (Jesus) enlightens man, to see within and discern without
vs.10 world (secular society) did not recognize Him
vs.11 He came to His own (ethnic and religious Jews) but they did not receive Him
vs.12-13 Those who received Him became children born of God
vs.14 we have seen His glory full of grace and truth

vs.15 John testifies about Him, “He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.”
vs.16 all blessings come from the fullness of His grace
vs.17 law through Moses (how to live in the flesh)---grace and truth through Jesus (how to live in the Spirit)
vs.18 no one has ever seen God, only the Son who is at the Father's side, has made Him known

vs.19-23 John reveals his identity
vs.24-36 John reveals Jesus' identity

John 3:22-36 John testifies to the shift that must take place from John to Jesus, that Jesus becomes greater and he becomes less. The issue of increasing humility before God in the presence of others.
5:33 Jesus recalls John's testimony. John was a lamp. See 10:40-42

Mt.3:1-17, 14:6-12 (beheaded)
Mk.1:1-9, 6:14 (beheaded)
Lk.1:5-25, 57-80, 3:1-20, 7:18-35, 9:7-9 (beheaded)
Rev.20:4 The souls of believers beheaded because of their testimony. Think of governments and religious groups trying to behead believers now. Silencing, intimidating, imprisoning and firing clergy and believers are the modern forms of beheading.

Principles of Preparation

Jn.1:23 “I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord (Is.40:3).'”

1. I am- we are images of God with mind, heart and spirit

2. the voice-we have voices to speak

3. we are each a 'one' unique person in mind, heart and spirit

4. we call out to others

5. we are all in a desert of the world around us

6. make straight—be a witness-think spiritually, think Jesus, start within

7. the way-act spiritually-make self available, having started within act without

1:26 “I baptize with water but among you stands one you do not know (Paul on Mars Hill -Acts 17). He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” Refer here to John 4:13-14 the water of life in the Spirit. Here is where you start talking about the 100% of life is motivated by what you can't see. Who do your ultimately trust with the unseen you process every day?

1:29-31 “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Identify the human problem of sin and how a relationship with Jesus makes the difference between eternal life and death

1:32-34 'I have seen and testify that this is the Son of God.” Share your personal experience, how you came to know Jesus.

1:36-38 “ The next day...” Look forward to every next day as an opportune event to share the truth you gave to Jesus the day before, the hour before, the moment before. In these verse translate disciples as your friends you can witness to.

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