If any chapter in Ephesians sets you straight it is chapter 5.  You can always talk about the Scripture being authoritative but its not until you ‘give Scripture legs’ that you really begin living it out.  Chapter 5 calls us to do just that.  It’s not only calling us to be different within but also without.  True, Scripture gives us the heart and the mind but it’s what we do with them that the world around us sees. 


There are some simple measures to help us face where we are when it comes to putting our talk into our walk.  Here’s one for instance.  Take someone you want to talk about faith with and invite them for coffee at a coffee shop that takes a half hour to get to.  (You don’t have to say a word on the way.  Or you might just have a casual conversation.)  What your friend will see as you drive will determine in their mind how receptive they will be when you get there.  How fast did you go?  How close were you to the car in front of you?  Did you keep your eyes on the road while conversing?  Do you tend to try and ‘beat the light?’  What was your reaction when someone cut in front of you?  Did you leave in plenty of time to get to where you were going?  How did you react to cars that stayed too close behind you?  Did you let other cars in when they needed to get into traffic?  In other words your demeanor while driving says a whole lot about where you are in your mind and heart.


Driving is not the only time we can check our mind and heart.  What are you like in the checkout line at the super market?  Impatient perhaps?  Do you smile at others or look to make casual conversation or maybe even give someone with far fewer items the chance to get in ahead of you?  Shopping anywhere offers the chance to be aware of people around you, to engage them in conversation or ask their help even if you don’t need it, like, “How does this look on me?” or “Have your tried this sweater (or whatever you’re shopping for)?”  Anything that comes to you at the moment may be a way to start a conversation.


You are out to dinner and waiting for a table.  There are others waiting plus the one who seat you.  What is the weather like?  Have they just come from a game or some other event?  Did you have fun?  Did your team win?  Was it a good concert?  Be aware of those around you.  Then you get to a table.  The waitress is harried and trying to do her best.  How do you greet her and can you assure her with a smile or a word or two to take her time?  Do you try to find out about her, where she is in school or life in general and then maybe ask her what she needs prayer for?


Prayer to begin any encounter means the Spirit will give you an opportunity to think spiritually to be the Lord’s agent.  He will always present an opening for His work to be done.


Chapter 5 starts out with that kind of awareness, that kind of alertness and that kind of caring approach.  “ Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (vs.1-2).”


More on Chapter 5 when it comes to being a disciple.

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