This may be the most important part of the ‘Out and About’ series, which is why I start with a quote from the last article.  “In going out and about we will run into all kinds of people, situations and problems for which there seems to be no direct entry, understanding or solution.  There needs to be some kind of access point.  This is where the work of the Holy Spirit really gets us connected.” 


It’s that idea of gaining access to a person, a situation or a problem that we are constantly faced with as we go ‘out and about.’  The desire for the right kind of access; insightful, ministering, helpful access,---realizing that kind of access---is our goal.  If we look closely at the following passage we can begin to see ourselves in that realization.  The Lord Jesus provides us with a picture so we can actualize access. 


“Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.  The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.  Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep (John10:1-7).”


In this well-known and oft quoted passage there are insights given that prompt us to examine personal motivation, real needs as opposed to perceived needs and who really is the subject and object of access.  Let’s do a little probing here.  We’ll take this passage one verse at a time.  We start with vs.1.


First, Jesus is talking to Pharisees.  Known for their legalistic intimidation to maintain control religiously and socially, the Pharisees represent all of us who use fear-driven techniques to gain approval and recognition. 


Second, it’s vital that we see the Lord is bringing us into the spiritual dimension.  He is exposing a spiritual reality, the pharisaic spirit, which is a barricade against honesty with self and others.  It is a spirit that fosters institutional loyalty as opposed to personal loyalty especially when it comes to the difference between loyalty to Jesus as Lord and denominational church loyalty.  It is a major hiding place in interpersonal dealings. 


Third, weighted primarily in self-justifying judgmentalism, the pharisaic spirit throws an immediate pall over any attempt at heart-to-heart encounter.  All of us know what it’s like when we come up against an opinionated, manipulative, status seeking personality.  You should sense immediately that there is, rooted in fear, some kind of spiritual darkness involved.  It is a spiritually driven condition.  There is not only no access to them, their idea of right and wrong is so set in concrete that they will always, consciously or unconsciously, set you up to follow their plan for your becoming like them.  Saul, before he was Paul, is a major biblical example.


This is not a ‘we vs. they’ kind of thing.  All of us are prone to similar kinds of responses due to our own sinful nature.  We need to be aware of our mutual natures when we come in contact.  If we are aware that we are in a spiritual encounter in all encounters and issues then our relationship with the Lord will provide the Holy Spirit’s guidance.   Trusting in Him we operate out of the fruit of the Spirit to gain the trust of any person we encounter.  Then Jesus provides Himself as the gate through which He ministers through us.  In us He has placed spiritual gifts, the specific portals through which others can see Jesus and experience Him through us. 


If we can draw a picture similar to the one Jesus gives us, we are the landscaped yard and path through which someone is invited to come through the front door of the inviting Jesus.  He is the gate for the sheep.  More next time, especially our part.

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