Pentecost 20 Jesus and What Makes Him Different from Sinners

Pentecost 20 Jesus and What Makes Him Different from Sinners

Jesus is the only person who never had to say, “Oh, now I see.” He saw already through the Spirit. He is always ready to let us have that insight through His Spirit if we are willing to receive it.
Jesus is the only person who never wondered where or who He came from. He knew completely. Further, He knew when and why He came and what it would take to complete His Father’s will.
Jesus was the only person who never had to think twice or say, “On second thought…” or “I’ll think about it and give you an answer.” He and the Father always were acting on first thoughts.
Jesus is the only person who never had to kick Himself. He never had regrets or remorse. He never said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that” or “I shouldn’t have done that.” He was always straightforward. Everything He thought and did was perfect and according to His Word through the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never was incomplete when He acted. He never said, “I’ll try harder next time” or “ I could have done better.”
Jesus is the only person who never believed He had to cover Himself for what He thought, felt, or did. He always acted openly without fear and with total faith in Himself and the presence of His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never felt the need to blame anyone or anything. He always knew He was at one with a perfect Father and that wherever He was or what He was doing was exactly what His Father intended for Him.
Jesus is the only person who was completely secure, knew who He was and had no doubt about where He was going. He never was worried about self-worth, His image, about how He ‘fitted in,’ about social position or religious standing or being successful.
Jesus in the only person who never saw Himself on a ‘career path’ hoping someday He would ‘make it.’
Jesus is the only person who never had to ‘size up’ people. He could sense exactly what was in the mind and heart of every one He met.
Jesus was the only person who never sought happiness, inner stability and peace of mind. There was never a time He didn’t have them.
Jesus is the only person who never had fear, anxiety or worry. He faced everything in complete faith in His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never was moody or depressed. He never had shifts in His emotions. He was always the same person, even tempered and resolved.
Jesus is the only person who never was lonely. He always sensed the presence of His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never disobeyed any part of Scripture. He coincided perfectly with Scripture. He was THE man of His Word. He was its fulfillment. What Scripture intended Jesus did. He was and is and always will be the Righteous One.
Jesus is the only person who never sought personal, political, military, economic, social, intellectual or religious power. His power was spiritual, the Holy Spirit, the power behind the universe, the power of eternal life, the power that transcends any worldly power.

Compare these to any other person in history who claims spiritual authority.

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