Pentecost 54 When You Want to Get Your Head on Straight

Pentecost 54 When You Want to Get Your Head on Straight

“Have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus…(Phil.2:5).”

Think spiritually, think Holy Spirit, think Jesus, think Father, think Scripture, think prayer, think like Jesus. That is the sequence to practice wherever you go. Then pray it:
O God, show me spiritual reality, fill me with your Spirit, I want to see Jesus, Father, I come to you, help me dig in the Word, help me pray the Word, think and act through me Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord. Amen

I just arrived at the store to buy milk. I wander down the dairy aisle.

(Think spiritually)
I am in a physical environment behind which is a spiritual reality. The people walking down the same aisle are pondering purchases like me. A man and woman are quietly arguing. Another, content just to be able to shop, absorbed in a list. A little boy, wandering alone away from his parent, playing with blocks of butter. The lights are bright and everything stands out in brand names neatly stacked. I see lives making choices that reject the bad and seek the good. I see the spiritual plight of another lost little one and another who could care less. I see spiritual beings created in the image of God. An old Beatle’s song comes to mind, ‘Eleanor Rigsby’ and a line emerges, ‘All the lonely people, where do they all come from?” The landscape is not physical, it is spiritual and God says in Genesis 2, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone…’

(Think Holy Spirit-------let me see and feel what you feel.)
Two images are locked in silent conflict and whatever spirits are causing the rift I can see it has been long lasting and yet to be resolved. I see a little lost boy, lost in the moment, lost like many of us, distracted by whatever can take up his lonely moments and give him some sense of satisfaction. Soon he will be anxious for his mommy to come get him. He really is lost but doesn’t know it. Soon he will be anxious and wonder where his mother is and he will begin to cry because she isn’t there. She will anxious that she can’t find him. Both trapped in a lonely fear that will call for help and someone will come to the rescue. I think to my self, ‘Am I not like that little boy, alone, doing whatever it takes to satisfy the moment, yet soon to want my parent to come and rescue me? And what of the mother, frightened by the specters of lost child tragedies? Doesn’t she too reflect the chaotic mind separated from stable assurance? Then the other image, simply content in the moment. Who knows what that mind and heart are pondering if at all?

(Think Jesus)
The Good shepherd knows the needs of the sheep and especially the one that is lost. There is that little boy. Right now he is playing with the butter but soon he’ll be conscious that he is alone and will need someone. I’ll wait a little bit. Maybe his mother or father, or both, will be here and he’ll be alright.

(Think Father) He is your lost child Father like so many of us and his parents are probably lost as well. Even though they are adults, and me too, they just got busy and didn’t miss the little guy. But you know where all of us are don’t you?

(Think Scripture)
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He restores my soul,---oh, oh, the little boy is crying for his mommy---I’ll go over and try to let him know his parents will be there soon and he’ll be alright. “I’ll stay with you until they get here.” Play with the blocks of butter like he was and keep him occupied.

(Think prayer)
Father, this is your child as we all are children of yours. Protect him until his parents get here. Let me be a stand-in for you. I’ll stay here for a while. Be with him and be with me.

(Think like Jesus)
Lord Jesus, you welcomed little children into your presence. Let me be like you right now and I thank you for the opportunity to minister to this little one. You did that with me Lord. You looked after me when I was a wandering child. You have the eyes of understanding and compassion. I pray I am thinking like you now Lord. Oh boy, here comes a very anxious looking parent. “I’ll bet this is your child. I saw him alone and didn’t want him to be afraid. I sure am glad you are here.” As she picks up her little boy she just looks at me briefly and says ‘Thanks, I didn’t even realize he was gone. You look away for one second and they’re gone." “I know’ I said, “I’m just glad to help. God bless.” And I went on my way.

The foregoing could be in any one of our day-to-day travels. Follow the sequence of getting into spiritual reality and you will find the Lord will lead you to someone, a little child or an adult child, who needs you. You might even find that you start talking about Jesus and it is just the right moment to bring that someone to Him.

“I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” It is amazing grace, isn’t it?’

Stay tuned…….

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