Pentecost 64 There is No Time When You're Having a Good Time

Pentecost 64 There is No Time When You’re Having a Good Time

When you get an invitation to spend the weekend at a friend’s home there are real preparations made for your arrival. Fresh linens and the best blankets or quilts are on the guest bed. The living room is decorated with flowers and everything is put neatly in place. The den has been made ready for after dinner coffee and lots of conversation. The dining room is set with the best silver, china and candles. Special menus have been selected and the food for each carefully chosen. Even the exterior may have been cleaned, driveway cleared, and paths swept, the lawns mown and the lights on when you arrive. When you arrive at the door there is a really great greeting and you know you have come into something special.

As you begin to share your life and the weekend progresses time seems to be non-existent and before you know it the weekend is over. “Where did the time you go,” you ask. Even as the different meals and conversations transpired there was that same sense of timelessness. Everyone was really open; sharing was warm, nothing but heart-to-heart experience. As you leave you extend an invitation to come to your place next weekend to continue. This is what makes life wonderful. This is what life is meant to be here on earth. That’s what it’s all about.

In the same way Jesus told His disciples "There are many rooms in my Father's house. If this were not true, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. If I go and do that, I will come back. And I will take you to be with me. Then you will also be where I am (Jn.14:2-3).” Remember “I am.” Jesus is stating His identity like He did when He said, “Before Abraham was, I am” indicating there is no time in the Heaven. Paul knew the Father’s will that ”This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in Christ Jesus our Lord…( Eph.3:11)”

When all of that is put in an eternal perspective we can begin to see the many tastes of Heaven given to us. Those moments when people click and there is no clock that can measure experience. These too are copies and shadows of spiritual reality, a taste of Heaven. “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere (Ps.84:10).”

Tomorrow, the courts of the Lord…….stay tuned

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