Pentecost 79 Putting History in Perspective
When ‘The Rolling Stones’ sang, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” they were echoing a common human concern that a country song vents, “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.” And then that English movie whose musical theme was “What’s It All About Alfie?” asks the basic secular inspired question about human purpose. Love, satisfaction, purpose, meaning and significance top lost humanity’s list of searches whose answers are found in God alone.
If we really take the Bible seriously as the Word of God reality is spiritual, personal and eternal. God is Spirit, He is personal and He is timeless having no beginning and no end. So biblically, there are three major epochs, pre-Creation, Creation and post-Creation. For mankind the middle epoch, Creation, is the starting point. It begins with God and ends with Him. God was there before there was a beginning and He is there after there is an end. He has divided His Creation into three stages, three major ‘historical’ events, three revelations---Preparing for Jesus, the Presence of Jesus and the Ministry of Jesus. After the Creation epoch the third epoch begins with Jesus returning and bringing in the promised ‘new Heaven and new earth’ as written in Revelation 21.
We live in the context of the second epoch, Creation, the product of a mind, a heart and a spirit; the mind of the Father, heart of the Son and the power of the Spirit. We have been spiritually made in that three-fold image to experience God personally. We were spiritually designed to live in a personal relationship with God and one another. The spiritual shape of God is our shape, His self-conscious ‘I am,” His heart-nature of faith and His relational nature of love. We were spiritually created to live by the will of the Father, the obedience of the Son and the submission of the Spirit. We see in us what we have been given to respond---belief for the mind, trust for the heart and faith for the soul. As a way of life we yield to the authority of the Father, the personal trust in the Son and the guidance of the Spirit. We pray to the Father in the Spirit through the Son.
Our entire context, visible and invisible, is spiritual and therefore to make sense out of existence, we have to think spiritually, see spiritually, hear spiritually, discern spiritually, decide spiritually and act spiritually.
The context of history then is first spiritual, then personal, then interpersonal and then material. It is all about being in a personal relationship with God and one another. Secondly, history is not ‘his’ ‘story’, which is the origin of the word ‘history’ (we pronounce it ‘histry’) being how man records his existence. History doesn’t start with what man thinks about himself and then his world. It is really God’s story or ‘Godstory’ (pronounced therefore, ‘Godstry’).
‘Godstry’ is the ‘why’ behind everything. The ‘who’ is Jesus revealed. The ‘what’ is the Word of God. It is about God establishing His kingdom ‘on earth as it is in Heaven.’ ‘Godstry’ is the record of God’s restoration of what the devil had done to throw Creation into turmoil. ‘Godstry’ is the story of God the Son becoming man to restore Creation’s balance through the spiritual process of sacrifice in death and rising to life in the Spirit which means the Cross of Christ is where we begin to work out God’s intention and purpose for each of us each day. ‘Godstry’ is the record of God’s recovery plan to bring every single person who responds to His invitation back into a personal relationship with Him. When we make ‘history‘ ‘Godstry’ or ‘His’ story then existence not only makes sense for the mind but it gives shape to the heart and rebirth for the soul.
This is an extension of the importance of seeing things from a spiritual perspective, placing all issues in spiritual context and yielding all control to the living Lord and His Spirit whose spiritual resolution is the only true satisfaction, love and meaning.
Jesus said, "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me (Matt.10:40).”
Stay tuned…….
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