Pentecost 89 Something You'll Want to Do

Pentecost 89 Something You’ll Want to Do

Years ago Roy Acuff was known as the ‘King of Country Music.” He sang a song called “ I Saw the Light.” One verse of the song says “I was alone, my life filled with sin. I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in. Then like the blind man God gave back my sight, praise the Lord, I saw the light.” We all want to see not only with our eyes but also with our minds and hearts. How we think spiritually determines how we move safely through unseen reality.

Having confidence in Jesus as personal Lord is to find yourself wanting to think with the mind of Jesus. That is why God has provided us with His Word. It is our eyes in the unseen. In it we find the mind of God from Genesis to Revelation. But more specifically we find Jesus throughout its pages. He becomes our ‘mind’s eye,’ to gain His ‘in-sight,’ the understanding of what it says. Through Him we glean the Word for its principles, its assurance and the power of insight that comes from the Holy Spirit.

As we read the Word the Holy Spirit scans our life experience and nudges us to consider and then adjust to what the Word says. Just as the Lord is personal to each of us so the Holy Spirit is our personal Spirit who prompts us to search God’s Word, identify with its stories, parables, history and principles. He blesses us with spiritual insights that fill us with constant “Oh, now I see’s.” This is how He transforms our lives from what we once were, sinners lost and alone, to what God would have us become, His children, one with Him and one another.

The Lord starts with the mind because that is the gateway to the heart. Where the mind goes the heart is not far behind. How we reason becomes a Holy Spirit guided recovery project. Thinking spiritually opens us to a vast atmosphere of insights ready and waiting to be experienced. All that is needed is the willingness to be led into it.

Take this passage for instance. Ps.18:16,19 tells us, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters…He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” What does it say to you? You might want to put it in the framework of three questions. What does this say about the world? What does it say about God? What does it say about me?

What it will say to me in terms of my total life experience as I bring it to memory may be quite different than what happens in your mind. The point is that it will begin a Spirit led scan and in that scan you will be taken back in your personal history. All kinds of things emerge. But the Holy Spirit will sort it out in God’s way and Jesus’ light will shine upon your heart to assure you of both his love for the good and His forgiveness for the bad. He will bring to mind the Cross that bore the sin and showed His love for us.

To really identify with the passage you might ask, How did He take hold of me? What were the deep waters out of which He drew me? What is that spacious place into which He placed me? What does it mean to be spiritually rescued and delighted in?

More on thinking Jesus, thinking Holy Spirit…….stay tuned.

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