Resurrection 3 Resurrection and Reality

What the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has done is to challenge what we believe about reality. If we look around us it has to be obvious that we live in two realities, the seen and the unseen. There is a sequence that followed mankind’s fall from the presence of God. There was separation between the physical and the spiritual, separation from the presence, the mind, the heart and the Spirit of God. Adam said, "I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid." (Gen.3:7) God was outside of Adam’s mind and heart (I heard you) resulting in fear (lack of love), nakedness (lack of relationship) and hiding (aloneness and cover-up). The Resurrection is the restoration of what true reality is but we have to face the realities of the separated state into which we were born to see what Jesus has done for us.

The first reality we all share is self-consciousness. We are aware of self and use one letter to describe that experience—‘I’. ‘I am ‘ is the central thought we have when we think about ourselves. I think, I feel, I act, I see, I hear, I touch, I sense, I live, are all words, language, sounds we make to describe our being. That ‘I’ in each of us processes not only what take place in the mind but also what is going on outside of us.

The second reality we all share is our physicality. We all live in separate similar unique physical bodies. We all have similar sense mechanisms and movements. We have brains that think, analyze and control action.

The third reality we share with every other human being is being alone. It is that one factor that every human being wrestles with each and every day. It is the awareness of self, of being alone in our bodies, of being an individual who is aware of being isolated, apart from and distinct from every other being around. And, when we really have to think about ourselves, we realize no one else can process our experience but us. The internal workings of the mind and heart are the core of our reality. This is where we determine identity, meaning, purpose, communication, goals, dreams, emotions and the way we process our daily living experience.

The fourth reality we all share is relationships. We find a way to communicate and establish personal identities and ongoing relationships with others we assume to be like us in terms of self-consciousness.

The fifth reality we all share is having a common material environment. We have an atmosphere that enables us to breathe, an earth upon which we build and from which we acquire food and the materials to manage our ongoing physical existence.

The sixth reality we all share is community. We have marriages, families, clubs, neighborhoods, villages, towns, cities, states, nations and governments. We have an inner gravitational system that draws us to others and others to us. We establish structures to order that gravity.

The seventh reality we all share is processing our experience, managing what we
sense, feel and see. It is right here that we shift from what we can see to what we can’t see, from the visible activity taking place around us to the inner evaluation and decision-making necessary to adjust to the world outside our bodies.

Realities 8-18 still to come, stay tuned………..

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