The Resurrection awakens in us the reality of not only our own humanity but the humanity of others. Jesus awakens us to the true nature of humanity. We are not just globs of flesh continuing to reproduce and be exclamation marks surrounded by a question mark called the universe. There is the individual birth, life and death sequence that has within it a personal existence with meaning, significance, dignity and purpose. Everyone who really is willing to accept His fourfold premise and His guidance to achieve it is ready for the idea and one is born in that reality. Awareness of the resurrected Jesus is our departure from the train wreck of self-indulgent reasoning and behavior.
The self-conscious awareness in the midst of the many who bear that same sense of being only begs for its understanding and fulfillment. When we see our reflection, whether it be in a mirror, the quiet surface of a pond or in the faces of those we meet, we are at once pierced with the fact of intense self-awareness. It is not something we escape because that is who we are. It is not something we can deny or explain away. It is something we are. To communicate from within is our construct. It is something we are. The mind processes the why, the what, the how, the when of any circumstance and ponders either in a second or in a filtering pause, the response to each and every moment of our waking experience. There is no question when it comes to the fact that our very language is the fruit of our need for establishing our self-identity. Then, having established what we believe it to be, we lay it out in the midst of others who are doing the very same thing, ‘I am’s’ with a natural, instinctive, internal thirst for grasping the external reality outside of my own ‘I am.’
There is a desperate need to communicate arising out of an emptiness that thirsts and hungers for what ever is out there that can fill it. This is where we find ourselves in a sea of needs. How are they filled, what fills them, who fills them, when can they be filled? The very fact of our questions, each of which are lived out by every human being, moves us to see that there is an edge beyond which answers will not come. There is a gap between what we see and what we experience within. This gap is the product of sin. This is the gap into which a disciple of Jesus is called.
Since everyone has faith that faith will find something. People will use what ever is immediately available if there is nothing else available. When what is available doesn’t work, doesn’t last, doesn’t satisfy, then what? When all the world pleasures end and have been found to lack long-lasting satisfaction this is where a disciple of Jesus steps in. This is where faith in Jesus begins both for the disciple who offers His faith and the possibility of faith in Jesus for the one in need.. This is where ministry begins. This is where love calls us. This is where the deepest questions are answered. The resurrected Jesus gives us the one faith option that works not only for the present but for every next moment. He is the definition of awareness on every level of personal being. If there is significance, meaning, dignity and purpose it comes accepting Him who was resurrected to assure us that we have a lasting relationship that bridges the gap and fills the thirst and hunger within.
1 John 1
1-2From the very first day, we were there, taking it all in—we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands. The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it happen! And now we're telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us.
3-4We saw it, we heard it, and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy! (The Message Bible)
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