Spiritual Gifts 11 Wisdom Introduction

What does it mean to be wise? What is wisdom? We look to people who seem to have that internal confidence and assurance when confronted with decision-making. Whether it is age, experience or studied response that has developed them, people with a reputation for being wise are held up, looked to and searched for. But before we can look at the gift of wisdom we need to see what wisdom is.

Scripture tells us that there are two kinds of wisdom, human wisdom and the wisdom of God. In fact they are in complete contrast to one another. Human wisdom, usually dubbed ’common sense,’ is a set of self-determined conclusions arrived at through experience and long observation. The underlying assumption of this kind of wisdom is that one’s choices and decisions are best shaped after years of handling life’s issues. Age and grey hair bring a kind of perfection in making those conclusions and, that given a chance, all people can do the same.

Here are some statements to illustrate it: “What I’ve learned, I’ve learned the hard way in the school of hard knocks. It’s a jungle out there and no one is perfect. The longer I live the more I know that the two things you never discuss are politics and religion. People are people; you just have to let them be. A stitch in time saves nine and a penny saved is a penny earned. Always give a firm handshake; a fishy one is a sign of weakness. I made it this far so I must have done something right. A shot of whiskey and a good cigar gives a man a sense of being a man. Men (women) are all the same, you can’t live with ‘em and you can’t live without ‘em. Choose the good and overlook the bad and if you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all.’

Human wisdom provides a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card, a ‘hall pass from the principal’ to roam the world at will. It is based on long-term comparisons of external observations leading to internal conclusions that create a comfort zone to satisfy the mind and give a sense of stability in handling life’s questions and relational issues. Rather than heart-to-heart encounter worldly wisdom isolates us spiritually. Wisdom in the world is really a slow process of lonely separation of self from spiritual reality into relativism wherein it places one above and superior to those who have spiritual absolutes upon which they base their conclusions. In the end you are all alone in your conclusions.

But there is another wisdom the Bible presents. See what Paul says about it. “For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God (1Cor.1:21-24).” [emphasis mine]

The wisdom of God starts with the Cross of Christ. God’s wisdom is centered in believing in Jesus. It is the practice of placing His Cross in the midst of our thinking and is the basis for all decision-making, spiritual, physical, emotional and relational.

The Cross of Christ calls us to build a personal relationship with God wherein we find a living wisdom that far exceeds anything we could learn from worldly wisdom. What we discover in Jesus is a wisdom that doesn’t depend on me but on Him. He is always present to provide a way through choices and decisions that have to be made. If we let Him inform our mind and heart through His Word, His Spirit guides and directs. Every next moment is a moment to experience His living wisdom as opposed to the world’s wisdom, which is just imperfect survival thinking.

When Jesus says to take up our cross He is asking us to let His Spirit do the work in every next moment. Taking up our cross is to be conscious of His presence placing our minds and hearts in His hands every next moment. The choices and decisions we make in regard to God and others are Spirit guided thus not based on what I think but on what God thinks. As we lay our hearts open to Him He enables us to lay down our lives for others in a way that we are humble before them, seek their best interest, share open and honestly the inner struggles and experiences of being human. Trusting Jesus in every next moment is what taking up our cross is all about. This is the wisdom of God firsthand. Trusting first in Jesus opens the spiritual doors of our heart and the hearts of others. Anything less places us in lonely control. Taking up our Cross places Him in control of every next moment. That is true wisdom.

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