(Couldn't resist doing one more gift before we left.)

We are still in Romans 12:6-8. As we have said gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to build the Body. Four avenues open the recognition of one’s gifts, prayer, study, small group and confirmation.

First, if we have prayed to know what gifts we have, that in itself is a calling by the Spirit to evaluate not only what we are doing but where we need to put our energy for the Body. Too many of us wait to be asked to do something and many times end up in tasks for which we are not spiritually equipped. Being on a committee or choosing to be part of a hunger program or giving money to a project may be good but not Spirit directed thus not productive in building the Body. For these to really work it is those whose gifts define the program that make it work the best. You want Spirit-inspired programs manned by Spirit-gifted people.

Second, we find out through study. We need to seek what Scripture teaches about gifts, question those who are really spiritually productive in the Body, ask them how they got where they are and then pray for the Lord to reveal which ones seem to fit you. Sure it takes time but what better way to spend it knowing that you will be led to the fit the Lord has for you?

Third, the best way to start when you believe you are on the gift track is to be part of a small group who can pray with you as you experiment and try out what you have discovered. What happens here is finding out more about you. In the process others will be opened to share their gifts, where they are and what they are doing as disciples. The big plus is realizing you are in a mutual gift awareness program. Everyone benefits in gift recognition.

Fourth, it is the Body that confirms whether or not you have a particular gift. When you exercise the gift or gifts people are blessed and recognize it. The word spreads and you become a vital part of the Body’s growth. So, if your gift is teaching, people will sense they have been taught, that is they will have been drawn closer to the Lord through His Word.

With those four points in mind we come to the gift of leadership. It may be closer than you think. Many who are in secular leadership have been elected, promoted or assigned. In the Body of Christ leaders are recognized. They emerge as those who spiritually make an impression. You sense you can trust their judgment, their wisdom and you can say to yourself, “I’m willing to follow his lead.” It is when these recognized individuals are given the places of position in the Body that the Body’s vision is their vision which they embrace and lead others to embrace.

Actually the role of leadership is simple. When a gift is recognized Paul says, “Let him… (vs.6-8).” The ‘let him’ means leaders not only allow someone the latitude necessary to exercise the gift but also encourages that person to exercise their gift diligently, cheerfully and in love (vs.7-9). One more thing, ‘Let him’ means we have to trust the Holy Spirit to ‘let him’ make mistakes. Leaders are not perfect. Neither is anyone else so as leaders we offer patient support because we know that all of us are sinners in recovery and each of us needs correction, support, direction and accountability to the Body as our gifts are developing. Spiritual gifts are not for building pride but a mutual method of humble interdependent activity to build the Body. That’s the goal of leadership in the Body.

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