“If it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously (Rom.12:8).”
Again, here is a gift that kind of lies in the middle of the list of gifts and many times taken for granted. Yes, we ought to give and give generously. But suppose it is a special spiritual gift that some people have which goes beyond the tithe? People with this gift love to give of their resources, e.g. ‘I know someone who would give you the shirt off his back.’ There is a desire to give whatever it takes at any moment. It may not just be money but sensing that ‘this person needs this more than me.’ It is a sacrificial giving. When Jesus describes the woman who put a small coin in the offering box, remember, it was all she had. It comes from a heart God has gifted to give.
Years ago when we were getting ready to build the parish’s first meeting facility a secretary with modest income got an unexpected check for several thousand dollars. Without hesitation she put it in the building fund. Not only that, but occasional bonuses she received were used for giving to people in need. She did it out of a pure desire to give to those she sensed needed it.
People who have the gift of giving don’t think twice about giving. They just do it because it is part of their spiritual makeup. There are those with this gift that see someone on the street begging. While others would question and ponder whether the need is real or view the beggar with skepticism, a person with the gift of giving just gives spontaneously. Their rationale is ‘When you give, the Lord sorts it out the way He wants, my duty is to give.’ Another aspect of the gift of giving is that the person with the gift is not doing it to be seen nor are they looking for a tax break or an ‘atta-boy slap on the back.’ It is just done simply and quietly.
The Greek words used in the verse may help here. Paradidomai means to give a share of what you have. Aplotati means to give that share with simplicity. You don’t have to analyze, judge the receiver or question whether or not you can afford it. The question is, ‘What is the Spirit moving you to do at any given moment when someone is in need?’
That brings to mind three reasons (and there are many more) for the tithe; changing our focus from self to God, trusting Him with our whole life and growing in our intimacy with Him.
First, our focus. Not everyone has the gift of giving but giving a tithe, a tenth of our time, skill and earnings, is the response of obedient faith to the physical sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross in our behalf. It’s thinking spiritually. He gave 100%. Jesus’ first consideration was His Father’s will for Him. His first and last thoughts were spiritual. Tithing is one part of the way we take up our cross.
Second, our trust. Tithing is learning to trust God for our needs. It teaches us to distinguish real needs from perceived needs. He provides what we need, not what we want. Tithing helps us to trust how we are to rearrange our lives spiritually for Him as opposed to surviving economically and physically for ourselves alone.
Third, our intimacy. Tithing teaches us to depend on the Lord thus deepening our intimacy with Him. It is part of the way He works through our physical being to reach our hearts. Spiritual intimacy with God enables us to learn patience with others as we grow with them.
One last thing about this gift. Just the presence of those with the gift of giving brings the Spirit to bear on the Body as a whole. The Spirit works in the hearts of others as this gift is administered. You may not ever know who they are but if you do, pray for them and when the opportunity to encourage them arises, do just that. As in the practice of all the gifts everyone in the Body is blessed.
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