When Jesus rose from the dead the impact of that event reversed the way human beings assessed themselves. Instead of a fractured self-appraisal, a depressed resignation to surviving the present and facing an uncertain future, there was not only a new hope but a vision of a reality never seen before. What the human heart most needed appeared and was made available to everyone.
What was the change, the reversal, the new hope? First, there was the certainty of life after death, of a way to live that transcended the world in which we live and of finding that everything was spiritual grounded, founded and abounded. Second, life was truly spiritual and eternally spiritual. Third, Jesus made this life accessible to everyone who would believe in Him.
Jesus defined mankind’s deepest needs. Those needs were and are spiritual. This brings us to the identification of those real needs, our deepest needs, the needs, when fulfilled, make life real. Just what are those needs? First, it’s imperative we distinguish real needs from perceived needs. Real needs have to do with finding a long-term choice-making process that builds character, relationships and inner stability. Perceived needs are those we think important enough to demand immediate satisfaction. The first have a permanency about them. The second are temporary and superficial. Real needs are defined by the effect they have not only on our life but also on the lives of those in each succeeding generation. Perceived needs are usually self-centered and offer no lasting relational stability.
God defines real needs. As our Creator He is the only one who really knows how the engine is supposed to work. Perceived needs are defined by secular society. Therein lies the core difference between real and perceived needs. One is a lifetime process derived from a relationship with God where each day brings new insight and growth. The other chases empty promises that only isolate us from our true self and alienate us from others. Recognizing the first builds character and relationships. The second is based on guesswork. It is a fear-driven pursuit manipulating people, denying real needs and being absorbed in advancing one’s self interest as a daily goal.
Jesus shows us our five foundational needs, Him, repentance, forgiveness, love and peace. Again, that foundation for meeting real needs is built on accepting an ongoing relationship with God. In Him we find our real selves and in the process we find real relationships with others. So our basic need, our number one need, is to be at one with God. Jesus makes that possible. Accepting Him as our personal Savior and Lord is our new start, our rebirth spiritually (Jn.3:16).
Repentance is our next need. Because sin separated us from a personal relationship with God, separated us from our true identity and separated us from true relationships with others, we need forgiveness to accomplish that restoration to Him. So our next basic need is repentance. We need to say we are sorry for having replaced God with ourselves. That is, basically turning over the guidance of our life to God, which restores us to Him through Jesus Christ and is the guarantee of forgiveness.
Repentance brings forgiveness. Next to accepting Jesus and repenting, forgiveness is our deepest need. From the point of accepting Jesus as Lord we learn the discipline of a lifestyle of repentance through which God enables us not only to wipe away guilt for sin but also opens us to our next deepest need, His forgiveness.
What forgiveness does is to show us the nature of God which is love, our next deepest need. He really loves us. That love is a new kind of love that restores sinners back to one another and unbelievers to God. Jesus was very clear when He declared the difference between the world’s love and His love. “Love one another as I have loved you,” He said (Jn.13:34). The way Jesus loved is how we as humans can love.
This transcendent love brings a new sense of inner stability needed in our everyday experience, peace. Peace is the spiritual balance in mind, heart and spirit. Peace of mind, inner peace, a soul at rest wherever you go and whatever the circumstance.
Jesus modeled what a real human being is all about in answering real needs. He was devoted to His Father, loving Him first, doing His will, focusing on how He could best please His Father. His life was serving His Father toward everyone with who He came in contact. He thought like His Father, lived to show His Father and loved others like His Father loved Him. That is why He said that He is the way, the truth and the life.
His identity was being a loving Son obedient to His Father’s will. He was the Son of His Father to show that we are all children of God. His truth was the will of His Father as revealed in Scripture. His life was the Holy Spirit who motivated Him, led Him and directed His behavior.
To make His point clear He followed His Father’s will perfectly and was killed because He was so perfect. He was a threat to the world and its standards as is anyone who lives God’s truth and serves Him first. His Resurrection declared Him the King of kings; Lord of lords and the only One who can meet the deepest needs in every person.
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