Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
It's not complicated. It's really very simple when you think about it. It has to do with the most overlooked theme in John's Gospel, the uniqueness of Jesus. No one before or since has ever, is, or will be the same as the Lord Jesus. He is unique to His Father who is unique to Him and the Holy Spirit in turn just as unique to each of them. He is unique as One God being the only God there is revealing Himself in three persons in the most unique relationship ever given to mankind. And as individual persons we are made in that image and likeness. That may be the most important thing we are asked to understand especially when we consider why He would ever choose to live among people like us. It's this: His uniqueness points to ours. We really need to look at this closely.
None of us were meant to be carbon copies of Him or any one else. He makes this quite obvious immediately after His Resurrection when He says to Mary, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God (Jn.20:17).” We were created to be like Him (Gen.1:26, 5:1), unique individuals, who in relationship with Him are restored by Him to be what God originally intended. Uniqueness points to how personal God planned for us to be in Him. He cares for us personally. Each one of us is uniquely special to Him. We all may be human and have physical bodies, emotionality and souls but each of us has a particular place in Him and His Kingdom. Jesus said that in His Father’s house are many rooms and each one is personally being prepared for each one of us. When you think of all the people that have ever lived, each one has a special place in the Father's mind and heart.
So it follows that God's plan is for each of us is to extend our uniqueness into the world around us. For instance, spiritual gifts are the job descriptive means to bring out that uniqueness (Romans 12, 1Cor.12, Eph.4). God is so exacting in His gifts that no one person ever recreates the use of the gifts the same way just as no one acts the same or does the same things as anyone else. Each person's ministry and mission are uniquely experienced. Even twins are unique. Similarity may be there but uniqueness is the reality. That's why it is necessary for us to realize the uniqueness we possess in Christ, build on it and exercise its power which is the power of the Holy Spirit when He prompts us to act. No one else can do what we can do when we are open to the leading of the Spirit.
The world and its prince however, have a quite different goal. Dissolve our uniqueness. Get everyone to be and look the same. It is the 'same-ing' of us. It is accomplished through self-centeredness motivated by the spirits of fear, pride and greed plus a host of other forces of darkness. All hosted by sin, the black hole of evil in the nature of mankind, the depersonalizing, desensitizing and deindividualizing agenda of the devil. It is the spirit of the anti-Christ at work.
'Same-ing' is satan's work causing us to conform to what we think are the needs of the moment. I don't have enough money. That's my real problem. So figure some devious shortcut to get it and whatever 'it' is that money buys.
Well, I don't look like the latest celebrity with his grubby '5 o'clock shadow' stubble so grow it even if it looks awful.
For gals, make sure the latest hairdo or clothing style is up to snuff. If you're a country club type make sure you have the proper yellow sweater, sleeves wrapped around the neck with the tan shorts, tennis shoes and sunglasses perched atop a blonde haired head.
If you are on a career path make sure you find the right principles of 'fitting in' so you impress the 'higher-ups' who control promotions.
It's the 'all-about-me' syndrome. It's about rising to the top of whatever the top is in whatever group I am striving to impress. Adjust to the moment whatever the means. Control is the name of the game. Read and having read, learn to abide by the unwritten rules. Play it safe. Manipulation is the key. Just get there.
There is secular uniqueness which is counterfeit. It depends on outward appearance but inward conformity to group behavior. Look at rock bands, celebrity clothing, tatoos, nose, lip, tongue and earrings. Perhaps its a kind of 'hippy' or 'bohemian' lifestyle. But notice, it's all about the outward look and behavior that screams “I'm different. Notice me!” That's counterfeit uniqueness, man-made and really rejection-seeking in order to set one's self up for an excuse in case of failure.
The process of 'same-ing' can be observed. To experience it simply go to another group or place of any kind among people you don't know and don't know you. Notice how alone you feel and how you have to read what is right and wrong in that group. Notice the need to fit in. Notice the reactions of others who have found their niche and have a history with that grouping. Notice how quick people are to let you know their history and what it means to them personally. Notice the reliance on local mannerisms and other behaviors that give them their identity and security. Those are check points to know whether you are in or out with them. Now return to the comfort of whatever group you belong to and realize the goal of 'same-ing' that you might have discovered in yourself: being less unique, less individual, guarded in personal sharing, and more self-protective.
All of this might seem trivial but isn't it at the core of daily experience as an individual? This is where Adam and Eve were tempted. It was to compromise their uniqueness. The devil's promise that they could go it on their own without God was the same promise he threw at Jesus in the wilderness temptations. The devil wanted Jesus to give up His uniqueness as God the Son and he is at work trying to get us to give up ours. The temptation to be the 'same' is always there.
Now perhaps, we have a bit of a grasp of the reason Jesus went to the Cross. It's to see the consistent and unrelenting uniqueness of Jesus the man as He lives consistently, unrelentingly and uncompromisingly God the Son doing the Father's will in human flesh. His Resurrection is the assurance that our uniqueness is secure in Him as we exercise our freedom in Him. “As it is appointed unto men once to die...(Heb.9:27)” so it is appointed that we only live once. This is our time to live uniquely, confidently, courageously; His call to each of us to experience the power of the Holy Spirit as we go, looking forward, dependent and knowing the Lord Jesus through His Spirit can make it real forever.
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