“Thou hast set my feet in a large room (Ps.31:8).”

       What few people realize is that all of us live in three realities, three dimensions of existence, visible, invisible and spiritual.  Visible reality is obvious.  The earth, the universe and our bodies in them.  The invisible is the person inside the body, the mind, the heart and the spirit.  There is good and bad, right and wrong in how we use it all as well as the forces that hold it all together, gravity, and whatever else drives the cosmos.  It’s the third reality, spiritual reality, that is the most important and the least understood.  This third reality is the source of the first two, what the Bible talks about, who Jesus is and why He came into the first two to reveal the One God the Creator of it all

       Spiritual reality has only one entry, belief, belief in Jesus Christ.  There are others who claim an entry into the spiritual realm, but they are human created systems attempting to explain what can’t be seen.  They are deductions by imperfect human reason, imperfect emotional response and by imperfect self-interpretation of unseen experience.  Human imperfection can only be breeched by revelation from without.  Perfection has to be revealed personally and the only way it is revealed is through faith, belief and trust.  That perfect revelation is in Jesus Christ and experienced by faith in Him.  He is the perfect Person and the One Creator God in the flesh (John 1:3).  He is the essence of the third reality.

       There are many ‘isms’ in the world but none is as personal and relational as the revelation of Jesus and what He brings to each person who is willing to enter His dimension.  The Bible is the key the One God has provided for us to know Jesus.  He gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to understand through it who Jesus is as a personal spiritual Savior and a personal spiritual Lord.  

       The Bible identifies us as images of Him but with a problem that blocks our entry into spiritual reality and that is sin.  Sin is the self-centeredness, pride and fear with which all of us are born.  Jesus came as a sacrifice who would allow the imperfection of human beings to execute Him on a cross.  The Cross represents both human imperfection and its cure, faith to submit His perfection to the ultimate result of sin, death.  His Resurrection from self-centering death showed His perfect life could not be destroyed thus offering us an eternal relationship with Him starting in this world.

       Being raised by the Holy Spirit He is available to all people everywhere by faith to live by faith, to share that faith and to be part of the third reality, spiritual reality, forever.  This is the good news for every person new to the world which was and is all people everywhere. 

       Everyone is born into the first two realities, the visible and the invisible.  That makes every human being an image of God.  We live in a a visible universe with a body and we have an invisible mind, heart and spirit living in an invisible society of images like us.   There are three signs to show our sin-centered imperfection, death, aloneness and fear.  Jesus embraced all three on the Cross to be the perfect spiritual sacrifice on our behalf.  He replaced those three with life, relationship and love forever.

       Born again into the third reality our life is changed from survival alone to living spiritually in every present moment.  We process our daily experience of mind, heart and spirit, guided by the Holy Spirit through the Bible.  We discard religion and  live relationally with God the Son, Jesus Christ.  Our mind has the mind of Christ in His Word, our heart His heart and our spirit is activated by the Holy Spirit.  We think, feel and act spiritually.  Though we live in a three-dimensional reality, it is the third, the spiritual, that we grow into.  If there is a purpose for us it is to reconcile the first two with the third so as to spiritized the first two.

        Our calling as children of God is to bring those trapped in the first two into the third.  Sin, with its pride and fear preying on the aloneness that overwhelms those without God will be its victims.  Our task is to share the good news of being saved from aloneness by a realtionship with Jesus.  There in lies the hope for the change needed to heal a broken and divided two-dimensional world.   It’s a large room indeed.           

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