Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
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There are several issues here but they are contained in one theme, the overall context in which these verses are packed,---spiritual gifts (12:1 also Rom.12 and Eph.4). They are given, practiced and worked by the Holy Spirit in love (14:1) so that each member is conformed to the Lord and His Body grows in wisdom and stature as a witness to Him in the world. It is a picture of the Cross, the vertical beam reaching to and from the Father through Jesus and the horizontal beam of His Body reaching out to an unbelieving world (Mt.28:18-20). When they work in sync it is because they are guided by this context.
Each of the gifts has a purpose---the mutual spiritual growth of those both sharing and receiving their ministry (14:26). From 12:2-3 Paul speaks to pagan influence brought into the Body (shouting 'Jasu anathema' prompted by an evil spirit) which leads him into an extensive teaching on gifts of the Spirit and how they elevate Jesus as opposed to working against Him. After his extraordinary exaltation of agape love in Ch.13 he goes into prophecy as more helpful than tongues. Tongues have a double edge. They are helpful to the individual with the gift but if used in a gathering need to be shared in conscious love of God for those in hearing with an interpreter to help others in their growth. This will help both a believer and an unbeliever. But if used selfishly to look spiritual, watch out. If for the praise of God and in love, go for it. Then Paul quotes Isaiah 28:11-12 that strange tongues and foreign languages will be used by God for several reasons. One is to make sure the tongue is being used sincerely and humbly sourced in the Spirit. Also it is used to edify those who are spiritual seekers but the hard hearted who could care less will accuse those using them of being insincere and even crazy. So be conscious of those present who may be new and unaware of gifts. Prophecy will be in an understood language and the Holy Spirit will use it to convict them so deeply they will fall down and worship God (14:22_25). So tongues are a sign for the unbeliever's heart as to its hardness so that prophecy should used by believers to reach them if that is the Spirit's leading. Remember it's all done in love and loving discernment. It is the sinner the Lord wants to reach so that he will be so convinced he is a sinner that the secrets long hidden deep within will come to the surface (vs.24-25). This also means prophecy may be speaking to an issue that is presently being faced by someone present that needs change of heart. That was the nature of most prophecy in the Old Testament. Future prophecy was usually about the coming Messiah and His reign. A great deal more could be said but perhaps this will give us a start in the discussion.
Well said brother! Love is the hallmark of a Christian. Speaking in tongues is for everybody. St Paul said, "I would you all speak in tongues." They are used in prayer between you and God and they are used in a language on man like in the upper room. They can be used in worship if an interpreter is present so that the message blesses the congregation. You do not need them to be saved. Ask for them! You will not get something evil!
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