Kingdom's Keys Fellowship, a live Bible based forum spiritually connecting families and individuals to one another.



Blog Posts

Elections Are Frustrating, Politics More So

Elections Are Frustrating, Politics More So

       If this mid term election taught us anything it is one from the Spirit of God.  It was a battle of two secular parties where who could outfox who was the deal.  Both sides argued from cunning hypocrisy and gaudy assumption.  A nation divided is a message to its citizens, a message that neither side has either perfect insight nor is their insight flawless.  Both sides…


Posted by HKHaugan on November 10, 2022 at 3:00pm

Attitudes, the Hidden Pretenders

Attitudes, the Hidden Pretenders     

by Harald Haugan (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

       Attitudes are our self-protecting ego controllers. They are the way we believe we are in control personally and relationally; a kind of sonar and radar system we use to identify and justify ourselves in the world around us. They are internal pretenses, The Hidden…


Posted by HKHaugan on August 19, 2022 at 3:40pm

From Faith to Faith

Faith to Faith

       “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, “The just shall live by faith. (Rom.1:16-17).””

       The first 15 verses of the Romans letter declare the Sonship, the Lordship and the Messiahship of…


Posted by HKHaugan on June 26, 2022 at 7:17am

The Big Room

“Thou hast set my feet in a large room (Ps.31:8).”

       What few people realize is that all of us live in three realities, three dimensions of existence, visible, invisible and spiritual.  Visible reality is obvious.  The earth, the universe and our bodies in them.  The invisible is the person inside the body, the mind, the heart and the spirit.  There is good and bad, right and wrong in how we use it all as well as the forces that hold it all together, gravity, and whatever else…


Posted by HKHaugan on May 4, 2022 at 12:46pm


What Happened to the Roe in Roe vs. Wade?

Started by HKHaugan in Featured Feb 19, 2017.

Whjat Happened to the Roe in Roe vs. Wade?

Started by HKHaugan in Featured Feb 19, 2017.



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HKHaugan posted a blog post

Elections Are Frustrating, Politics More So

Elections Are Frustrating, Politics More So       If this mid term election taught us anything it is one from the Spirit of God.  It was a battle of two secular parties where who could outfox who was the deal.  Both sides argued from cunning hypocrisy and gaudy assumption.  A nation divided is a message to its citizens, a message that neither side has either perfect insight nor is their insight flawless.  Both sides operate out of faulty wisdom and their imperfect conclusions.  Their oversight…See More
Nov 10, 2022
HKHaugan posted a blog post

Attitudes, the Hidden Pretenders

Attitudes, the Hidden Pretenders     by Harald Haugan (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition       Attitudes are our self-protecting ego controllers. They are the way we believe we are in control personally and relationally; a kind of sonar and radar system we use to identify and justify ourselves in the world around us. They are internal pretenses, The Hidden Pretenders. Based on 2Corinthians 10:4-5       See all formats and editions  …See More
Aug 19, 2022
HKHaugan posted a blog post

From Faith to Faith

Faith to Faith       “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, “The just shall live by faith. (Rom.1:16-17).””       The first 15 verses of the Romans letter declare the Sonship, the Lordship and the Messiahship of Jesus.  They become climactically fulfilled in vs.16-17 in everyone who accepts Jesus as…See More
Jun 26, 2022
HKHaugan posted a blog post

The Big Room

“Thou hast set my feet in a large room (Ps.31:8).”       What few people realize is that all of us live in three realities, three dimensions of existence, visible, invisible and spiritual.  Visible reality is obvious.  The earth, the universe and our bodies in them.  The invisible is the person inside the body, the mind, the heart and the spirit.  There is good and bad, right and wrong in how we use it all as well as the forces that hold it all together, gravity, and whatever else drives the…See More
May 4, 2022
HKHaugan posted a blog post

Atmosphere or Atmosfear?

There’s Atmosphere and There’s Atmosfear       Hurricanes, pandemics and their variants, fires consuming the landscape, chaotic evacuations, illegal immigration including who knows what, political division at the breaking point, religious institutions scrambling for survival…….so where is it all headed and what can we do as believers?  Of course, there will arise a series of prophets who will forecast doom and gloom and assault us with pictures of the end times which causes more incendiary…See More
Aug 30, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

Walking Through the Word

Walking Through the Word       On one of my conference trips to the UK, one in Yorkshire, I was encouraged to do what many Brits do and that is walk.  One group I was with had been walking the path in ten-mile sections along a path from Wales to the North Sea near Whitby.  I was there when they were preparing to finish the last fifteen miles.  Not wanting it be seen as the typical non-walking American I agreed to go.  (Thank you Lord, for having been a jogger so it wasn’t bad at all.)  Along…See More
Aug 24, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

Genesis and John Have It Together

Genesis and John Have Got It Together      Of the many things that make the Bible significant is its opening words, “In the beginning…”  Two chapters, Genesis1 and John 1 open with those words, “In the beginning God created…” and  “In the beginning was the Word…”  In both cases there is a declaration that God was already there before anything had form or substance.  The first informs us that God is creatively thinking and active and the second informs us that God is personal and relational.  We…See More
Aug 17, 2021
HKHaugan posted blog posts
Aug 16, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

We Used to Call It "Rasslin'

We Used to Call It ‘Rasslin.’      There’s real wrestling and there’s fake wrestling.  One is Greco-Roman and the other is TV.  There’s a difference between the two.  The first is slow, tedious, tense and tiring.  It takes controlled emotion and strategy.  It is not something that draws advertisers since the general public is not drawn to its slow action.  The second is fake wrestling, showmanship extraordinaire, and thousands seem to enjoy the sweat, muscle and flamboyant action, especially…See More
Jul 24, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

When He Turned on he Light

When He Turned on the Light       Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night, and I have that feeling of edginess, the edginess of our aloneness.  That is, it is as if the Lord was getting my attention by the inner night the outer night implies within.  Last night was one of those inner moments of darkness when He chose to wake me to experience that inner sense of darkness into which He pours His light.  In this case it was who I am in Him, what I mean to Him and what He has given me.  Three…See More
Jul 19, 2021
HKHaugan posted blog posts
Jul 17, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

Idolatry Spelled Out, The Heart

Idolatry Spelled Out---The Heart       We’ve started with a general overview of idolatry.  It needs a bit more detail.  Why not follow the path Jesus takes when He explains His way to live?  Given that we are images of God with a mind, heart and spirit, the Lord Jesus gives us this path to take, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (Deut.6:5, Mt.22:37).”  Heart, mind, soul and strength are the specific parts of us with which the Lord calls us to love Him.  He has…See More
Jul 9, 2021
HKHaugan posted blog posts
Jul 7, 2021
HKHaugan left a comment for Muriel
"There are a lot of articles here that you may like.  Go back in and read some when yo have time.  Glad you are in the Fellowship.  If you want to share any of them or quote, you may.  God bless, ><>W"
Jun 26, 2021
Muriel is now a member of Kingdom's Keys Fellowship
Jun 26, 2021
HKHaugan posted a blog post

You Can Do This

“You Can Do This”        Encouragement!  That's right, encouragement.  In my later years I've discovered that brothers and sisters in the Faith need to be encouraged.  Most of our time is spent in a world outside the local Body of Christ.  It's a world full of spiritual hostility.  You know what I mean, the culturally conditioned 'me first' atmosphere that spends more time frightened by what can't be controlled, frustrated because no one pays any attention to what we know, feel and consider…See More
Jun 26, 2021

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