Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
What really makes the human Jesus different from the rest of us that we should follow Him? If He is God the Son how was that revealed in Him? What is there about Him that makes Him a perfect human being in every detail? When He claims to be one with His Father what does that really mean? Just what are some of the indicators that point to His perfection? Is He really holy? Perhaps the following will be a start in answering those questions.
Jesus is the only person who never had to say, “Oh, now I see.” He saw already through the Spirit. He is always ready to share that insight through His Spirit if we are willing to receive it.
Jesus is the only person who never wondered where or who He came from. He knew completely. Further, He knew when and why He came and what it would take to complete His Father’s will.
Jesus was the only person who never had to think twice or say, “On second thought…” or “I’ll think about it and give you an answer.” He never had to ‘gather’ His thoughts or say “I’ll get back to you on that.”
Jesus is the only person who never had to kick Himself. He never had regrets or remorse. He never said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that” or “I shouldn’t have done that.” He was always straightforward. Everything He thought and did was perfect and according to His Word through the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never was incomplete when He acted. He never said, “I’ll try harder next time” or “I could have done better.”
Jesus is the only person who was never unfaithful, doubting, reluctant, impetuous or hesitant.
Jesus is the only person who never believed He had to justify Himself for what He thought, felt, or did. He always acted openly without fear and with total faith in Himself and the presence of His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never felt the need to blame anyone or anything. He always knew He was at one with a perfect Father and that wherever He was or what He was doing was exactly what His Father intended for Him.
Jesus is the only person who was completely secure, knew who He was and had no doubt about where He was going. He never was worried about self-worth, His image, about how He ‘fitted in,’ about social position or religious standing or being successful.
Jesus is the only person who never saw Himself on a ‘career path’ hoping someday He would ‘make it.’
Jesus is the only person who never had to ‘size up’ people. He could sense exactly what was in the mind and heart of every one He met.
Jesus was the only person who never sought happiness, inner stability and peace of mind. There was never a time He didn’t have them.
Jesus is the only person who never had fear, anxiety or worry. He faced everything in complete faith in His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never was moody or depressed. He never had shifts in His emotions. He was always the same person, even tempered and resolved.
Jesus is the only person who never was lonely. He always sensed the presence of His Father in the Spirit.
Jesus is the only person who never disobeyed any part of Scripture. He coincided perfectly with Scripture. He was THE MAN of His Word. He was its fulfillment. What Scripture intended Jesus did. He was and is and always will be the Righteous One.
Jesus is the only person who never entertained evil in His mind or heart nor did He ever lust after the things of the world.
Jesus is the only person who never rejected or avoided a person because he was poor, crippled, alien, mixed ethnic, a man or woman, old, young or attitudinally obnoxious, hostile or had an objectionable occupation.
Jesus is the only person who was never ashamed of Himself. He never felt guilt.
Jesus is the only person who never was afraid to ask or answer a question regardless of the people, situation or circumstance involved.
Jesus is the only person who never had to wish He could think more quickly on His feet or that He could remember the right thing to say.
Jesus is the only person who could never be put ‘on the spot.’
Jesus is the only person who never judged, nor was biased or prejudiced, in regard to physical, ethnic, national, bloodline or clan heritage. The distinction He made between Jew and Gentile had to do with His Father’s will to choose one people to distinguish what a faith people were supposed to be from what characterized a non-faith people.
Jesus is the only person who never sought personal, political, military, economic, social, intellectual or religious power.
He never manipulated people.
He never sought or submitted to political influence.
He never appealed for or wanted military support.
He never asked for or attempted to secure financial independence and security.
He never sought social status, prestige or to be part of any ‘in-group.’
He never tried to gain intellectual advantage, win arguments or succumb to the strategies of those who attempted to bait Him into disputes.
He never avoided those who tried to humiliate Him.
His responses were always intended to reveal ultimate spiritual reality, the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is the only person who never held back His grace, His forgiveness, His love, His honesty and His truth. He never sought to be an official in any religious establishment.
Jesus is the only person who never met a person He didn’t love. His power was spiritual, the Holy Spirit, the power behind the universe, the power of eternal life, the power that transcends any worldly power, the power of love, forgiveness and humility.
Jesus is the only person who ever lived that was totally consumed in mission: to be totally obedient to His Father's will in every next moment, event and circumstance wherever he was and with whomever He was with.
Jesus is the only person who had no needs. Everything we perceive as needs He never needed. His only human needs were things like food, water and clothes to sustain the body He chose to live in while He was here on earth. Everything else was spiritual and it was the Holy Spirit who sustained Him.
Jesus is the only person who ever lived who was not religious. He was relational. He was always conscious of His Father's presence. He is the only person who ever lived who was totally at one with His Father and with the Holy Spirit.
Compare these to any other person in history who asks for your allegiance, who claims spiritual authority, especially those who are considered founders of religions.
Based on the above this means the church I belong to is not of this world. It has only one Savior, one Lord, one Shepherd and one Priest, Jesus the Christ. It’s members are all those who have been born spiritually by accepting Jesus in their minds and hearts as Savior and Lord.
Therefore, we have only one ministry, the Holy Spirit. We have only one mission, to make Jesus known. There is only one manual for understanding God, His creation and our part in it, Holy Scripture. Based on Holy Scripture, Jesus is the only Person who ever lived who perfectly qualifies to be a personal and direct intermediary between God and mankind.
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