In New York City the subway system runs on electrical power. You have the cars on the usual two rail wheel arrangement with an attached 'shoe' that receives power from an electrified third rail. All of the engine parts, gears and instruments depend on that received power. It's much like the old Lionel electric trains we used to get as gifts and play with as kids. You disconnect the train from the third rail and it stops. Push the transformer lever and it goes.

There is a real analogy here between that subway system, our toy trains and church growth. They carry principles that keep us on the right track. When I say the 'right track' I am referring to something quite different than worldly success which counts numbers of people, big buildings, big programs, conferences aimed at 'kingdom' building, hiring high powered speakers and dynamic leaders.

What we need to do is to define 'right track.' First and foremost it is a spiritual track. Church growth is not about numbers. It is about Jesus, the Father's will and the Holy Spirit who stimulates the growth. When everything, that is- everything – is approached spiritually then and only then does the word 'growth' mean anything. Church growth is not about building a church but centering every one together in Jesus. The 'right track' is lifting up the Word of God so that through it Jesus is experienced. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Word is the track upon which the train runs.

Secondly, the 'right track' is a relational track. Relationship is based on three things, first each person is an image of God created to be in relationship with Him and other like images. Secondly, each person is unique and has special talents and gifts to be used uniquely as the Spirit leads. Thirdly, because of that uniqueness they are always in a discovery process. Every next moment is a unique opportunity to rely on a relationship with God to serve Him. That is they are always open to discovering the unique way they are to live out their faith as individuals and with one another.

What is important to see here is that the uniqueness of each individual is what makes the group they are in unique. Just as there are no 'cookie cutter' persons there are no 'cookie cutter' churches. That's why the will of God for one group will be different than another. We don't run around looking at the way other churches grow and try and copy them. We study the Word together, we worship together, we pray together and we wait on the Spirit to show us His way for us right where we are with the persons we have. This is precisely where God wants us to be, on our knees, In His Word and in His Spirit. He does the rest.

Thirdly, the 'right track' is a personal track. This is why every next moment is to be a moment of belief, trust and faith. It's watching the Father's will operating through the presence of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit in each of God's images. The primary vision of any group of committed people is the Spirit's objective, to bring Jesus into the mind, heart and spirit of every believer. This is done by the only resource God has given us to bring His Son into focus and that is Holy Scripture. It is the person of Jesus that the Spirit lifts up by bringing Him to mind. It is the Spirit that touches the heart, makes you feel and moves your spirit to action. It is a personal touch for a personal mind, a personal heart and a personal spirit.

To further our analogy of the subway we have the central administrative center that operates the entire subway system. We have the conductors running the equipment with all its complexities that carries the people. We have the power the conductor in each train applies in the specifics demanded to adjust travel speed, alertness to conditions, proper schedule timing and station arrivals.

It's true, every analogy breaks down somewhere but the visualization that takes place is the point. The parallels are all over the place if you allow your mind to see the invisible through the visible. Subway trains may seem to be the same and that kind of sameness is necessary to get the job of transportation done. But actually every trip varies due to size of a crowd, track conditions, weather, equipment needs, the conductor's uniqueness and emergencies to name a few.

Scripture, worship and structure may contain a kind of 'sameness' but it's the unique application demanded by spiritual conditions that change from moment to moment, cultural challenges, individual lapses and of course sin, evil and the devil and his spirits that work overtime to assault believers.

So to sum it up we are on a 'glory train' bound for the Promised Land. The conductor has things well in hand. Since He has everything under His complete control the stops we make along the way are those to invite others to come along with us, to deal with emergencies, to minister to one another on the trip, to trust the whole system is operating under the authority of the Father and to know that our destination is the glory of God in His Son Jesus energized by the Holy Spirit. It is the only trip that guarantees we will arrive regardless of conditions along the way because we are on the 'right track.'

What better summary statement than this?

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35-39).”

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