I just had my eyes checked for a new pair of glasses. I have the usual aging symptoms but no surgery required (thank you Lord). The tests were new and the doctor very informative and up-to-date. It was interesting since the following article was in the process of being written. But what I noticed in the process was the interesting people that were working there. Each had their own story. I found myself seeing them in terms of what you can't see. Know what I mean? That's what we are supposed to be doing. Seeing people as persons, images of God, spiritual beings. If you will follow me here it is the insight, seeing within, that I was pondering.

“My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare (Ps.25:15).”
If we really consider this verse we will see in it a tremendous triple principle, 'eyes on the Lord,' 'He will release my feet,' 'from the snare.'

First, 'eyes on the Lord.'
David always was aware that the Lord was the Lord of Heaven and earth, the God of Israel and His personal God. In spite of his waywardness, uncertainties and fears he was relentless in his faith in God because he knew God was unswerving and unchangeable.

Second, 'He will release my feet.'
Thinking of himself as a man in leg chains or someone whose feet were trapped trying to slog through the mud, he somehow knew if he stayed repentant he would be forgiven. Not only 'repentable' he was 'forgivable.'

Third, 'from the snare.'
In the following verse he identifies the snare. It has three parts, his external enemies (vs.19), his internal condition, sin (vs.7, 11, 18) and his vulnerability (vs.16). He was acutely aware of his aloneness and the afflictions that aloneness invites. He repeats this pursuing pressure on his heart and its resolution in Ps.51, “ For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge. Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place (vs.3-6).” Regardless of sin's pressure he still remained faithful (Ps.25:21).

Now let's apply the spiritual context which the Lord Jesus gives us to understand where we are in this Psalm's revelation. In Jesus we see everything in a spiritual context. It is spirituality that governs all our activity. Choice, selection and decision are based on our spiritual condition and that is all inclusive. The more spiritually conscious we are the more we can understand the physical, relational and emotional realities we live in. Nothing is done outside of our spiritual nature. It motivates everything we do. Jesus' perceptive comment here about treasure applies, “Where your treasure is there will your heart be also (Lk.12:34).” If we think our focus is in what we can see then “We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us (1Jn.1:8).” It is our spiritual nature that determines every choice we make, every decision with which we are faced and the outcome of every challenge.

First, we can't see the spiritual realm but we certainly know we are affected by what we can't see as much as we are affected by what we can see. To know that the Lord Jesus went to the Cross to show His mastery and Lordship over all that is both unseen and seen He purposely suffered death then rose from the dead to make clear He is the One whose eternal life has been given to us through faith in Him. He becomes our focus upon whom we 'keep our eyes.' To know the parables He has given us that give us insight when our outsight presents subtle temptations to our intellect, our heart and our spirit. When He is our focus we have a perfect person always there to show us the way to think and act, the Holy Spirit.

Soren Kierkegaard, the brilliant 19th century Danish theologian, expressed it this way, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” When you realize this you are walking into realm of the spirit and only Jesus can guide you through it with His Holy Spirit. It's not what you know but who you know, one who has perfect vision in the unseen, that you can trust. It's not what you think, feel or even experience that can carry you through the spiritual dimension. It is only, and I repeat, only by faith in the One Jesus you are safe. Only He knows where the traps are, knows where the dead ends are, where the snares lie, where the cliffs are and where eternal aloneness is a bottomless pit. But He also is the only One who can light the dark, expose the blocks, baggage and barriers, take us to the springs for refreshment, brighten and enlighten into a relational eternity in His Kingdom. What Kierkegaard was saying so insightfully is the attitude of letting God be God in our every next moment as we trust in His sight for our every next step.

Second, He gives us discernment to distinguish good from evil. He provides repentance as a means to deal with our inclination to slip into the mire of sin's self-centeredness. Then He gives us forgiveness to release us back into His presence. It is so easy to be tempted to think and act apart from God by “leaning unto our own understanding.” The great temptation is always to take control and the devil has a spirit of control to help us do just that. His pervasive sin and the aloneness it surrounds us with, open us to an invasion of spirits that attack and shape our attitude, the fragile heart's response to the external pressures thrown at it. There is no question that the devil is the evil one behind our isolation and alienation from God and others through his weapons of death, pride and fear. When we are alone with time and opportunity we will tend to be enticed by his behind the scenes activity.

Third, Holy Scripture is the only authority we can trust to inform our faith. What you have just read is based on one verse, inspired by one Spirit, given by one Father and revealed by one Lord. Is it perfect? No. But it is a spiritual observation that illustrates the never ending inspiration flowing from its eternal revelation. God's Word is perfect and will continue to light the fire of truth for the mind, trust for the heart and motivation from the Spirit for our spirit. Imagine what you could do if you let every verse be probed with your mind, felt in your heart and prayed in your spirit. Where would it take you, who would you meet and what would you share?

What you see is not what you see. It's what you don't see. What you don't see is what you want to see. When you want to see what you can't see then you can begin the trek toward true sight. Then you see the truth if you are willing to wait for it to be revealed. Real sight comes only through revelation by the Spirit. When you see what is unseen then you have insight which is where real sight begins.

I give you three Scriptures to ponder, feel and be inspired (in-Spirit-ed). Take them, pray them and then write them as you are led. I'd really love to have you share them here. May you be filled with His Spirit and walk confidently in the unseen. Your Lord is always there with you.

“Does He who formed the eye not see (Ps.94:9)?”

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness (Mt.6:22-23)!”

“To know wisdom and instructions; to perceive the words of understanding (Prov.1:2).”

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