Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Having made the point that the Resurrection of Jesus changed the course of history it should be clear that it was not something to make us look back but to know that it is our future He had in mind. But not only while we are in this world but for when we reach His eternal present where there is no past or future. This is the reason for the constant repetition of the phrase 'every next moment.' It is so easy for us to look back and wish for the comfortable things in our past reminiscing about the 'good ol' days.' What we neglect in that return is that they were brand new in every next moment and arrived at by faith in whatever made them great. It is impossible to return to that moment because we are not there, we are here in the now and now is always a future moment waiting to happen. What we do with that moment is based on who and what we believe will make it a moment that will reflect what and who we believe in.
For disciples of Jesus it is to respond knowing that the Holy Spirit is guiding our trust in the presence and Word of Jesus to make Him known. That is our mission. That is the purpose of every next moment. That is what makes us each His personal project, a project with present meaning and a personal calling to be part of a larger project fulfilling His eternal purpose. Paul shares that concept by using an unusual but vivid sensory image to describe what our presence in the world is like. “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life (2Cor.2:15-16).” Isn't that a really self-challenging image?
What this passage is saying is that we emit a spiritual aroma. But remember that every person we meet is also emitting something. To those consumed in self-centeredess, the perishing, it's an unpleasant odor, we are a threat, because they are reacting to the reality of the invisible Spirit of Jesus in us. The spirit of defensiveness takes command in them. They sense something different about the way we present ourselves. The moment we indicate in some way we are disciples of Jesus they get that 'deer-in-the-headlights' look. But don't let that throw you. Just keep being who you are regardless of their reaction. You just might make a breakthrough. You just might find an opening by simply asking, “Is there something I can pray about for you?”
With believers it's not an odor but a spiritual fragrance. What they sense is the Holy Spirit in us because He is in them too. We are drawn to each other in a 'simpatico' way. There is that knowing smile, that calm joy, indicating we are on the same page which usually ends up in a discussion about our experiences of Jesus as Savior and Lord.
With both the perishing and the believer we build our spiritual nerve and verve center. With those perishing it is a matter of planting a seed or may be watering a seed that has been planted in them or you may be the one called to share your personal testimony in order to bring them to Jesus. One thing about your personal testimony. Regardless of where the other person is spiritually a testimony is always fragrant. It's yours and no one can take it away from you. You are standing on and in eternal truth. Jesus is the mission. Wherever we are will those around us sense that?
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