Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
The Holy Spirit
There are basic premises we work on when we are disciples of Jesus:
“God is spirit…(Jn.4:24).” What does that say about us? We are images of God (Gen.1:26). We have a mind, a heart and a spirit. Therefore:
First, we know that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, Jesus being the definitive expression.
Second, 100% of everything we do is based on what we can’t see. “So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2Cor.4:18).” Life is a process of choice and decision in every next moment. This is a spiritual process.
Third, as the Son of God, Jesus is the personal revelation of God, His exact representative (Jn.14:9, 20:28, Heb.1:3).
Fourth, Jesus mission was to save us from sin through His human physical birth, life, Crucifixion and Resurrection, bringing us and others to whom we witness, home to Him.
Fifth, we have to receive Jesus in our hearts to be saved from sin and the subtle work of the devil (Jn.3:16, 1Jn.3:5).
Sixth, as disciples we know we are aliens and strangers in this world because of our real citizenship in Heaven, sealed by the Holy Spirit (1Pet.2:9-10). The world does not know Him (Jn.14:16).
Seventh, we are on a mission sent by Jesus (Mt.28:18-20, Jn.20:21). We have three questions we are always answering and helping others to answer on this mission: Who am I? Where am I going? How am I going to get there?
Now to the mundane, what may seem trivial, the ‘boots-on-the-ground’ stuff we encounter along the way. It starts with us and sets our path for the day.
You have an appointment and you got up late so you’re in a hurry. You start out the door, but you suddenly are aware you don’t have your car keys. Door open, you run back in to look for them. “Where did I leave them? I’m going to be late.” Scurrying around the house you finally find them and head out. All you can think about is getting to the appointment on time.
What’s really going on here? It’s a typical happening among many of us. Notice how consumed we are by the temporary concerns of the moment. First, the keys, the appointment, lateness, necessity of the moment, then the traffic, time is fleeting by. Second, negative anticipation, what will happen if I’m late, disappoint others, lose a client, caught in a waiting line, rescheduling? If I’m late will I have a ready excuse hoping my apology will be sufficient? Third, what is motivating my momentary concern? Fear? Of what?
While this little vignette may seem commonplace, its dynamics reveal how we respond in many situations. The concern can be about what others will think of me and how I think of myself as a result of their evaluation of me. You kick yourself for not leaving on time and then drum up an excuse to cover yourself. Sometimes we take out our frustration with ourselves on others. All of us are like this. The embarrassing apology and self-deception reveal fear and pride and the behavior they breathe, the fruit of sin. It is in these everyday occurrences that the Holy Spirit works in us personally to restore the image of God in us---if we let Him.
How does He do it? Five things to get us started:
First, He shifts our focus from self to Jesus. Jesus is Truth (Jn.14:6). He is the Spirit of Truth (Jn.14:17). In other words, He is the Spirit Person who brings the Person of Truth into our minds.
Second,’ He is a personal teacher and reminder. “He will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you (Jn.14:26).” Truth gets us to think about who and what we believe. He gets us to refocus on Jesus in the moment of our need.
Third, He shifts our view of life from fear to faith since He is the Lord of life (Jn.6:63, 2Cor.3:17). Spiritual life trumps fear centered life. God created man with the ability to have faith and love, the headlights for life. But sin entered with its fear and pride and broke the lights and enslaved us in darkness. Only the Lord Jesus can cancel their power and restore the headlights of faith and love. This is the freedom that carries confidence, courage and honesty.
Fourth, He is our personal spiritual Companion here and in Heaven (Jn.14:16). When we received Jesus, it was the work of the Holy Spirit. The Lord sent Him at Pentecost to assure us we are eternal in Christ.
Fifth, He helps us understand the Scripture (1Cor.2). Jesus tells us that the world cannot fathom the Holy Spirit. “The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him (Jn.14:17).”
This last one is the speed trap awaiting us along the way. ‘The world’ is that invisible empire of self-centeredness facing us every day. The Holy Spirit gives us fruit to deal with impatience, anger, bitterness, misinformation, gossip, unbelief, stubbornness and arrogance. These are just some of the obstacles only the Holy Spirit can move us through. Scripture here will help us, Gal. 5:22-26, Php.4:8. Now is the time to be a disciple, a witness, an ambassador and a missionary. Go for it.
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