We continue to move in and within where Jesus tells us His Kingdom is. Arriving there through faith in Jesus we are carried into a spiritual realm of endless expanse. It is as though we are leaving gravity and crossing into a weightless consciousness with no boundaries, restrictions, inhibitions and barriers. We have our travel guide, Holy Scripture, which brings light as we go. Even though we are still on earth our mind and heart reach out in our spirit urged along by His Spirit.

The mind contemplates, the heart desires, both from the thirst for truth and the hunger to know more of who God is and who we are in relationship to Him. It’s into this deeper reality that faith carries us. To be able to walk confidently in it requires dropping all pretense that we can bring into it any reliance on past human experience, worldly wisdom and that alluring but false idea of ‘common sense,’ man’s accumulated wisdom.

Here the entryway is marked with a simple sign that says ‘Leave your guns at the door.’ The ‘guns’ being our pride, our perceived needs, defensive intellect, that ‘I’m from Missouri, show me’ attitude. Actually, if you are willing, note the shape of the entryway, a translucent cross. It’s flashing ‘Fear not, for I am with you always.’ That humbling shape reminds us of the One who sacrificed His life for us. It draws our gaze first up and we see His face. Then to each side and we see Him reaching out to every broken heart. As you walk through this image a different sense takes over, a sense of acceptance, of being known and personally received without a body check or credentials or the ‘right look.’ If anything you might feel something is squeezing you and preventing entry. That may be due to an over weight attitude, over weighted with perceived needs, self-justifying ideas that you are really a good person or low self worth or doubts, or that everyone is against me, it’s all so hopeless.

It’s when you come with an open attitude, of not having it all together, of being imperfect and empty, ‘run out of gas’ and ready to admit it. It’s when you take off the knapsack filled with past confusion and resistance and drop it in the gaze of His light. You come expectantly ready to receive whatever you find as you walk in the Spirit. That’s when there is no squeezing sensation. It’s comfortable, clear and safe here. It’s designed with you in mind. You are being seen from within and without at the same moment. Nothing is hidden. Everything is bare and you can feel whatever guilt, shame or regret you brought vanishing. Past stuff may be in your memory but they no longer hinder your movement. You have been accepted, understood, forgiven and made free.

That kind of freedom Jesus gave us when He said to His Father, ‘Not my will but your will be done.” It is that every next moment, the unknown, the uncertain, the one your can’t really plan for, when you don’t know, you can’t predict what will happen next, when you are willing to say the same, “Not my will but your will be done,” that moment is the Cross moment when you pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it has in Heaven.” Therein lies the gift of faith; the cross each of us is called to take up every next moment.

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