Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
In and Within 32 You Are Your Choices
If we can accept that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Gal.5:1)” then choice is the gift we have been given to be an image of God in a creative and constructive way. Every choice is a spiritual marker, a life changer and an identity builder. Choice is our internal processor. Our choices define who and what we are and who and what we believe and who and what we become. Choice is the ignition switch making every next step a learning experience. Even if we choose not to make a choice, you can’t escape the fact that it was a choice. Choice is how we move from one moment to the next. Life in this world is a succession of choices, ‘maxi-cool’ to miniscule.
So since choice is at the active forefront of who we are how do we know we are making the best choices, the right choices? The answer to that question depends on who and what we choose to be our authority. If it is a system of thought, a mindset, a worldview, then our belief in them shapes our mind. If it is a way we have been conditioned to respond emotionally, it will shape our heart. If it is something that motivates us into action, that will shape our spirit. But consider this, no matter in whom or in what we believe to make a choice, it is faith that carries us into the next moment.
Two verses stand out to help us put our spiritual feet on the ground of choice and fulfill the gift of faith built in us. Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” and “I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that thou and thy seed my live (Deut.30:19 KJV).” When Jesus said He was ‘life’ a relationship with the risen Jesus is a relationship in eternal life that starts right here. Choice is built into us at birth and every moment is an opportunity to let Him be the way of choice, the truth by choosing His truth and accepting the life He brings in His Spirit.
Look at reality. None of us can control the circumstances in which our choices are made. We can only respond from within on the basis of the ‘who’ and the ‘what’ we believe. We can worry, fret and obsess ourselves about political, social, economic and personal circumstances we can’t control or we can choose to respond the way Jesus taught us to be in our mind, in our heart, in or spirit, right where we are.
This is the human situation into which each of us were born. This is the human situation into which Jesus chose to be born. He chose to be human for His Father and for us. His choices after He came here were made in faith in His Father, in the Word and in the Spirit. Jesus is the picture of choices made under spiritual authority, in obedience and as a substitute sacrifice: each in faith. His Cross was a choice in faith.
What stands out about Jesus’ choices is where they were made,---in the midst of the people He was with. He didn’t spend His time bemoaning political, economic or distant issues, things that were out of sight. Even the healing of a centurion’s servant far away was the result of the centurion’s request in Jesus’ presence. His responses were in the context of every next encounter He had with people. His focus was the people in His presence. Yes, He cried over Jerusalem and did say that tribulation was in this world but that was simply recognizing we all live in a fallen world. He always drew attention to the present where every person lives. That was His arena where every next choice was contained. What Jesus showed us is that we are the most effective where we are from moment to moment. This prayer in John 17 prays to His Father for where He was locally, where His disciples would be locally and for future believers, where they would be locally. The genus of Jesus’ ministry was heart-to-heart encounter.
What does all this mean for us? Three things and they all involve choice. First, it means we focus on who Jesus is to us. Second, we focus on where and among whom we live. Third, we focus on the choices we are making and will be led to make right where we are. To maintain focus we study His Word, we gather repentantly and openly expectant in worship and we share our lives in groups. These are the faith boosters (His Word), the faith builders (worship) and faith sharpeners (sharing).
Now here is the bottom line. If it is for freedom that Christ has set us free then the choice boils down to this, God’s way or man’s way. Freedom is not about doing anything you want whenever you want. Freedom is really spiritual choosing as opposed to worldly choosing. Spiritual freedom sets the pace for living in every next moment. Freedom is all about who and what we choose to believe in every next moment. When Jesus chose the way of the Cross in faith, died and rose from the dead He became the ultimate choice, the ultimate definition and the ultimate calling on every heart in every next moment. He is where choice begins and choice ends. Just as He lived in every next moment the choice is ours. He offers Himself for our choices between our beginning and end because He assures us with these words, “I am the Alpha and the Omega (Rev.1:8).”
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