Lent 1 When the Image Moves the Heart

We are talking about charismata, (Gk.---pieces of grace) grace gifts. They are from above, from God. The best image for their focus is the Cross of Jesus. Think of them as the vertical beam. They are to be used gracefully, graciously and in grace. They are given to help us recover from the devastation of sin, its pride, fear and aloneness, that ravages the image of God. They give us spiritual identity, purpose and confidence. They are living qualities the Holy Spirit uses to restore the image of God in us.

Not only are they vertical and directly received from God, they are also to be interpersonally administered, thus the horizontal beam of the Cross. They enable us to reach across the ‘pride divide,’ the gulf between individuals. Through them we are able to extend ourselves beyond self-centeredness to other-centeredness.

The Cross of Jesus is the image of God the Son humbling Himself to His Father’s will for us, eyes on the Father and arms outstretched for us. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” His words in death become our words for life.

This brings us to the second gift Paul mentions; service (in Greek, diakonian). It is certainly fitting that Paul follows up prophecy with this gift. Serving takes our talents and puts them to work. Also it may awaken in us talents we didn’t know we had. It may be calling us out of our comfort zone. If what has been prophesied is taken seriously, the desire to serve will result. Where the one gift calls us out, this second gift focuses us on a way to serve. Our gaze shifts from self to others. In fact the gift will cause interior agitation until we follow its lead. It may or may not use our talents but it will require humility to reach out beyond ourselves as we assess our surroundings. In the Body the gift of service makes us conscious of needs that will be material, emotional, functional and spiritual. It will stir us to pray and ask, “How can I serve the Body, Lord, what is taking place around me among the brothers and sisters in the Body that I can offer myself to?” It starts with prayer and the Holy Spirit answers.

If we keep in mind that the gifts are what the Lord gives in the Body for the Body it will be the means for the Holy Spirit to build the Body in their exercise. Here’s the logic. As the Body is built through the exercise of gifts it becomes a lighthouse of loving activity that begins to shine in a neighborhood or a town and others are drawn to it. Not only that but as the gifts are practiced in the Body they become the nucleus for seeing the needs of those outside the body and different kinds of missions happen, missions like those to feed the hungry, champion the lonely, the sick, the lost and those in prison. Serving God toward others in the Body will lead to serving God toward others outside the Body.

More on gifts…stay tuned………

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