Lent 20 More on the Cross and the Mind

Lent 20 More on the Cross and the Mind, Fourth Day

Jesus asked the Pharisees, “What do you think about the Christ, whose son is he?” (Matt.22:42).

This question comes after three confronting groups of Pharisees and Sadducees try to put Jesus down intellectually. The Pharisees' goal was to trap Him in regard to paying taxes and which of the commandments was the greatest. The Sadducees tried to get Him about the Resurrection. His answers amazed and silenced both. (22:15--33).

What is important for us in today’s consideration about the mind is what happens after these encounters. He told the Pharisees that we were to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and MIND (Mark adds ‘strength’). ‘Mind’ is critical. So what does Jesus do at this point? He takes the offensive! He confronts them with the most important question about who the Messiah is.

So what is Jesus really doing here? Three things:

First, He is confronting the Pharisees as a group. He is challenging the group mind, the collective mindset, the status, the intellectual power and authority they hold above the community around them. Is their group mind a right mind?

Second, He is confronting each of them personally. He is placing a challenge before each of their hearts and minds. Jesus knows they fear not looking right. They will be glancing at each other to make sure they fit in with the rest of the Pharisees.

Third, He is confronting them spiritually. He knows that the spirit of fear is what unites them, drives them and gets them to use their minds to justify their conspiracy against Him. He knows that the devil is behind their strategies. He wants them to know where they are spiritually. He knows and has already told them they knew neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.

By asking the Pharisees what they think about the Christ and whose son he is, Jesus is putting them on the hot seat as a group, as individuals and where they are spiritually. He knows they hide behind intellect. He is taking the offensive, turning the tables on them, asking them to confront Him. He is inviting them to consider who He is spiritually. He knows they rely on the secular strategy of debate in order to outwit an opponent. He knows they will turn to the brightest among them to trap Him. He knows He is inviting the intellectually elite. He is that confident, that certain and that assured about who He is in the Word, the Spirit and the presence of His Father.

Jesus sees the mind as our portal for understanding, knowing and reasoning. It is our intellect and reservoir for information, analysis and decision-making. But it does not sit alone. The mind is couched in our heart and spirit. Who we believe, what we believe and the authority we trust, motivate it.

Paul says this, “…I urge you…Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…(Rom.12:2).”
Just how is the mind renewed? Paul tells us in 1Cor.2:12 that it is the Holy Spirit who gives us God’s understanding and in vs.13 that it is through the words taught by the Spirit. Just as Jesus said, it is the power of God through the Scriptures (Matt.22:29).

What Jesus illustrates when hostile groups and individuals confront him are three things.

First, His faith in who He is as His Father’s Son.

Second, His trust in the Word of God.

Third, His reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus knew who He was, where He was, why He was and what He was to do. All came from the Word in the power of the Spirit. Jesus was confident, assured, ready, alert and spontaneous. He’s calling us into His same mold. For those of us who believe we have been reborn spiritually, the question for us is. “Will we continue to be transformed by the renewal of our mind as Scripture leads and the Spirit empowers?” Further, are there strongholds blocking us? Are we really aware of the depth of the Cross and what it accomplishes in us when we let it? What patterns of this world still haunt us? We won’t be able to answer these questions until we take hold of our mind right now and place in it the image of the Cross of Christ. Again, this is Holy Week, the perfect time to ask ourselves these questions.
More to come. Stay tuned.

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