When we look at Scripture the Greek word for pastor is ‘poimen’ meaning shepherd. Further it is used in conjunction with ‘didaskolon’---teacher, as in Eph.4:11. So technically, it refers to congregational leaders who are called to ‘shepherd’ the ‘flock (Body of Christ).’ Jesus refers to Himself as the ‘Good Shepherd (Jn.10:14),’ the good pastor-teacher, who cares for the ‘sheep.’ He is the example of the kind of attitudinal approach marking the pastor-teacher.
But we also have Paul as the ‘pastor-Apostle.’ His letters carry the weight of detailing the specifics of pastoring and teaching. Jesus as Lord impresses His ‘shepherdship’ on Paul by the power of the Holy Spirit and gives Paul the gifted systematic substance enabling him to ‘shepherd’ through presence and letters. His teaching reflects the Holy Spirit’s work in the specific congregations addressed. Their issues of what it means to live out life in Jesus are handled in very detailed descriptions. Pastors carry forward the spiritual and moral dimensions to guide not only individual believers but also the groups of believers in their various locales. All things from personal behavior to marriage relationships are covered in the everyday recovery of those whose needs are dealt with by faith. Paul ministers to the heart and combined hearts living out their lives in the context of a faithful Body.
The key to pastoring is the Lord Jesus and the way He chooses to relate to each of us personally by His Spirit. The general and specific guidelines He gives are the frame of reference upon which Paul builds His directives to the different believers in the Mediterranean churches. Everything he teaches and presents are the recovery techniques the Lord introduces to restore lost humanity to God and each other.
While everyone is called to abide by these principles and share them there are some in the Body who have the specific gift of pastoring that involves more than just directional leadership. It is the perceptive grasp of what is taking place relationally, morally and spiritually in the heart of another. With that grasp comes the spirit’s leading to correct, encourage and bring wholeness to the heart and hearts of those in relationship.
For those who are pastor-teachers the gift is given to discern the currents, attitudes and behaviors in the local Body. Then, through preaching and teaching the Scriptural principles that deal with them, the pastor-teacher encourages the Body to be open to the Spirit. Then the Spirit changes, corrects and transforms hearts to conform to the Lord’s will for them. That is if they are willing to submit to the Spirit.
It is fairly easy to spot those who have this gift. They are people in the Body who you find you would naturally turn to with a problem or seek out for guidance and direction. They are people you tend to trust with some of the deep personal issues we all wrestle with.
If people tend to seek you out about heart issues there is a good chance you have this gift. The gift calls for prayer to develop it consistent with the Lord’s own perceptiveness and discernment. That comes only as you pray conscious of the Spirit’s desire that you know the Lord more deeply and grow your ability to use this gift. As in all the gifts Scripture gives you the words and the Spirit together and many times you will find yourself leading someone into the very Scriptures you read that day. Good gift companions for pastoring in the Body are those with discernment and wisdom. That way, together, you can walk through issues and keep them spiritually centered. Much more could be said about this gift but I believe if you can grasp the central ideas presented here the Spirit will lead you to distinguish among the gifts where you fit in here. As witnesses we are all called to be pastors from time to time but for those who have the gift, and you may be one, the call is to develop it.
“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it (Col.3:12-14 The Message Bible).”
More gifts….stay tuned………
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