Pentecost 45 The Truth, Nothing But the Truth

Pentecost 45 The Truth, Nothing But the Truth

Recently Matt Damon was in a movie called “The Bourne Identity” in which he played a secret operative found adrift half dead and unconscious in the ocean by some fishermen. He awoke an amnesiac. He started a tortuous trek to discover who, why and what he was. He found himself completely alone and a target of forces trying to kill him and he didn’t know why. As he went along he discovered he had the drive to survive and the skills to accompany it. And of course, as movies go, he met a love he trusted, who helped him along the way and with whom he finally ends up at the end. What he found was that he needed something and someone outside himself who could help him discover who he was and why and it had to be larger and more comprehensive than himself.

There is a real parallel here. If you think about our individual lives and how they began we came into this world with no prior consciousness of identity, struggling to breathe, half dead and looking for who and why we are here. We have enemies along the way trying to control us and, if they can’t, they try and destroy us. We are always trying to find our identity, where we came from and why we are here and what the forces are arrayed for and against us.

What Jesus has done is to reveal a number of things to us.
First, He reveals there are two dimensions, physical and spiritual. The spiritual predates the physical.
Second, He reveals God is the source of everything. Therefore everything we see in the physical dimension was conceived in the spiritual mind of God and put into physical being by the Spirit of God. Before there was a physical universe God is.
Third, He reveals mankind is created in the spiritual image of God. Human identity is founded in God’s concept of Himself, I Am. Every human being is an image of THE spiritual I AM.
Fourth, He reveals Scripture is God’s Word given to explain who He is, why we exist, the plan of salvation and how He will accomplish the entire program.
Fifth, Scripture reveals humanity is fallen, alone, wounded and drifting as a result of Adam and Eve rebelling against God and blocking out the Spirit of God who connects us with God.
Sixth, Jesus has exposed the enemy of mankind and his residence, the devil and hell. The devil is a spiritual force working to wound, isolate and alienate mankind from God. He is the source of all negative movement against God and man.
Seventh, Jesus has come to restore man to God, undo the devil’s work, show that faith in God as He has been revealed in Jesus is the cure, the means and the method of the restoration by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Eighth, He has established the Body of Christ as the spiritual family to enable the process of restoration through worship, discipleship, ministry and mission.

That’s it in a nutshell. This is the message we have been given. It is a spiritual message of real hope, not political, economic or psychological hope, but real hope and gives us the key to reality, which is ultimately spiritual. That is, He reveals the truth about existence and how we can manage it led by His Spirit. “Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain—his Spirit—where we all come to drink. The old labels we once used to identify ourselves—labels like Jew or Greek, slave or free [here I add, denominational, corporate, ethnic, tribal, club and all secular identities]—are no longer useful. We need something larger, more comprehensive (1Cor.12:12-13 The Message Bible).” Of course the larger is the spiritual context of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit with His Word as our guide.

Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan and stay tuned………

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