Whitey, Yhis is a prayer request for John Williams who is a friend of ours who has terminal lung cancer and was just admitted to Community Hospice this past Friday. His wife, Rene had started attending All Souls for two weeks after having attended Mandarin Baptist for the past 8 years. She has been unable to attend for the past 3 weeks because of the rapid deterioration of Johnny's condition. She plans to become a member after her husband goes home to the Lord. I have taken the liberty of pasting Rene's last blog of today. Max


Angels Lifting Us Up
"The angel of the Lord encamps around all around those who fear Him and delivers them." - Psalm 34:7

Angels wings are lifting us up right now - "lest our foot dashes the rock." I have no words to write now except to update you that we have crossed over into the valley of the unknown. I had to admit Johnny into the hospice center on Sunbeam road the day before Valentines Day. He took a dramatic turn for the worse. I don't know what will be happening from here. We brought him there to stabilize him. But as I write I honestly don't know if he will be coming home.

My heart is breaking. But I know the Lord is near to the broken hearted. So no matter what the circumstances, His praise shall continually be in my mouth and my soul shall make its boast in the Lord.

We covet your continued prayers. I will continue to update you as I can - but right now winds are swirling around us as we wait for the Lord to lift His hands and calm the stormy seas. We know that good things are always ahead - according to His will - for those who love theLord.

In His love,


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Comment by HKHaugan on February 16, 2009 at 5:22pm
Lord, you know our heart's beginning and end. You know John and Rene and what they mean to each other. Pour your Spirit into that room into his heart where he is now and Rene's heart. Bring them peace and the realization of your presence. You are never far from any of us at anytime. Move your will, cover them Father, that they may sense you are doing that which is best for them. We pray your light will brighten their hearts and that when John is called home Rene will know that and be comforted. We thank you for their friends who are lifting them up. Bless them too Lord, In you name Lord Jesus we pray. Amen

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