Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Proof of Life, The Earthquakes
I can’t let go of the earthquake. Earthquakes get your attention. But the earthquake Matthew records earns, no not earns, rather, demands our personal attention. Especially this earthquake, the physical earthquake, this particular earthquake. It changed the way we see reality because of who caused it, a single Jewish rabbi-carpenter named Jesus. His Resurrection caused it. It is a one time earthquake that puts all earthquakes, both the external and the internal, in perspective. It is the signature earthquake because it was initiated spiritually, therefore defining all physical reality in a spiritual context. It is the earthquake that signals the proof that life before physical life is the same life after physical death---spiritual life. Further, it is the earthquake that set the stage to consider that the mind, the heart and the spirit in each of us are the spiritual components of the image of God living in physical bodies...that our self-consciousness is a spiritual copy of the ‘I Am’. We really were made to be like Him. It opened the door to seeing the invisible spiritual significance behind every visible aspect of Creation.
The Resurrection is the real earthquake because it shakes the way each of us see the earth, existence and the unseen ‘world’ that is the personal and relational atmosphere in which we live.
Specifically, it lifts up the written Word of God as the ignition switch for an eruption in the mind that spreads into the heart and its waves shock the spirit to act for God instead of self. Its whole purpose is to bring the burning bush Moses saw, into each life born into this world. It’s to make the Crossing of the Red Sea our sea, the Feeding of the 5000 our feeding, the Spirit of God our spirit, the Cross of Christ our cross and the Resurrection of Jesus, our resurrection. In other words, this earthquake is meant to be our personal earthquake.
Again, this earthquake defines us as images of God. Therefore, God’s Word moves us to live life in a new and spiritual way. The power of the Holy Spirit is revealed through its effect on us. In it we find the Spirit that raised Jesus to no longer be considered just an itinerant craftsman and messianic pretender but the promised Messiah of Jewish history. This is Jesus, the eternal Son of the eternal Father. The One in whom the eternal Spirit of God restored us to be His children again. It was through Him an eternal residence was created for all believers. The lost and forgotten spiritual dimension, held in trust by the Jews, was revealed, fulfilled and opened to all. Jesus made that possible. He is the open door giving personal access to the one and only loving God who created all things visible and invisible.
Matthew 28:1 could just have well added, “After the earthquake true life began.” The earthquake awakened the world to the Resurrection of the life of Jesus, God the Son and that everything from that point on was and is centered in Him as the Father directed.
When did this earthquake happen? Let’s ponder it again. It was a special earthquake with a special purpose. It happened the day after the Sabbath, the first day of the week. It was personal, the women were nearing the tomb. It was to them the angel of the Lord appeared. This was when the stone was rolled away from the tomb. We’ve covered that but there’s more. It makes the tomb something far beyond being a mere stone encasement. Could the tomb really be the cultural conditioning that shaped their worldview and now ours? The way the world works without God, the status quo we are stuck with? Their whole social world was shaken. The way men and women dealt with each other. The internal revolution of thought and behavior was about to take place. It started with two women who in turn bore its tremors back to the disciples. That was when the earthquake occurred. Not before and not after. Nothing has been the same since.
What is important about this earthquake, what makes it unique and one of a kind, is that this physical earthquake heralded the entrance of a one-time-forever-and-always spiritual earthquake. It introduced the Savior from sin and the Lord of love. It erupts in the heart and changes the life of every individual human being that accepts Jesus by faith. All you have to do is look at the effect Jesus has had on history. This earthquake shows He is the real earthquake. Instead of bringing expected death and destruction, He does quite the opposite. He is the earthquake revealing an unexpected spiritual and eternal life that challenges the way each of us makes choices and decisions about how we live in every next moment.
This earthquake had three immediate impacts:
As we noted, the first was it’s personal impact on two alone women who were changed from within and filled with a shaking new realization. The Lord was alive. They were no longer alone. This began their spiritual awareness and growth. The impact was also personal to the two guards, but in a different way. Fear froze them in their tracks. Look at what that means. The guards represent any one used by cultural superiors to defensively protect their secular power against spiritual power. The women were free from past cultural restrictions. The guards were frozen in place. Institutional power was exposed as empty without its Creator. Here began the recovery of the personal dignity of every human being.
Second, this earthquake lifted up a one-time-death on a one-time-Cross as a one-time-sacrifice by a once-and-for-all Savior and Lord who was raised from the dead in a one-time-Resurrection that covered all personal sin, its guilt and aloneness, with a soothing forgiveness for those who would accept Him. It also brings for each person who accepts Jesus their one-time-resurrection after a one-time-death into a once-and-forever eternal life. He restores not only personal dignity but personal life and its relational significance---forever.
Third, it was an earthquake that shattered the idea of death as merely physical and final. It let us know that death can be relational, emotional and found in the fear of change with its ultimately hopeless aloneness lying deep in the hearts of people everywhere. As the Easter hymn triumphantly declares, “Death is conquered, man is free. Christ has won the victory.”
Just think of how it lifts the reality of a God who wills for His Creation to fulfill its purpose, its people to be relationally complete and feel the depth of His loving presence forever. This was a spiritually planned and physically delivered earthquake that would rattle the inner yearnings of people from one corner of the earth to the other. People knew there had to be more, but where was it? There had to be something other than the moody desperation of a temporary existence that promised only a lonely end, an unfulfilled hope and a forgotten personal existence. When Jesus rose from the dead nothing was the same again.
Go back to the appearance of the Lord’s angel at the tomb. It was a terrifying experience for the guards. Their fear froze them to the spot. That’s why the previous observation that the guards were the faces of the institutional structures that drive the secular world. Fear is the backbone of their rules. It isn’t the structures that are bad. It is the hearts of those who are in their leadership seeking to gain and maintain personal power and control.
Now the opposite of empty institutionalism is even worse. It’s called anarchy, an equally destructive entity. Anarchy is the rejection of any external authority. It’s when any individual lives only for himself in the moment at the expense of others. It’s getting my way when, where and with whom I want it accomplished. If it demands violence, go for it. It’s basic force is the denial of spiritual and moral reality. Anarchy is visible in violent mob demonstrations, the rejection of law and the breakdown in individual moral behavior. Anarchists care only for themselves. They choose any cause to justify themselves but their real cause is themselves. Anarchy is sin on steroids.
Jesus lived solely to do His Father’s will. He said it was His food. He never thought, felt or acted apart from what His Father wanted. He was guided by the Word and led by the Spirit. That kills anarchy at its core. Now, through Jesus, the earthquake leads us to put God before self. That’s living.
Leaders of structures without God have a certain amount of anarchy in them. They fear the loss of power and have to keep their subjects under lock and key of their fear. Without God their earthquake is lonely interior fear. The loneliest people in the world are leaders without God. They’re always looking over their shoulder. So it’s natural that their reaction would be to feel frozen within. Doesn’t this bear a similarity to Lot’s wife being turned into a pillar of salt? She thought back, shoe looked back and afraid to look forward, she turned back.
But note the difference between the reaction of the guards and the two Mary’s. When the angel spoke to them they were startled but quick to obey. So they hurried back to tell the disciples what they had seen. They just had to. The guards however, had another emotional reaction that made them like dead men. They knew only negative fear, fear of their superiors, fear of the unknown, fear of any external power. Those are fears that freeze. The women had to tell the disciples what had happened. For them it was the positive fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom.
Isn’t this earthquake reminiscent of what happened to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Paul? What if a lightning-like figure with snow white clothes appeared before you, what would be your reaction? Terrified like me, I’m sure, but for a different reason. This is more than one’s fear. It is a messenger from God. This is a spiritual sighting that is physically presented for proof, comfort and motivation. Belief in God is the cushion that receives the unknown and the Holy Spirit gives us a sense of awe and then direction. See the Cross here?
In the case of the two Mary’s it was awe and wonder. Think of the two men on the road to Emmaus when they recognized Jesus at the breaking of the bread. And when He came through locked doors and appeared to the disciples in the upper room. How about Him eating breakfast on the beach with the disciples? His appearance changed at the Transfiguration. The awesome confrontation of Saul by Jesus on the Damascus Road that blinded Him, after which He was healed and His spiritual sight restored. These began the many spiritual earthquakes that God sent and sends to get man’s attention, that when He speaks and acts, physical things happen. Why should we be surprised, especially since Creation was done the same way? It burst into being! That’s what makes Matthew’s earthquake so special.
One more thing. Recall how Scripture tells us that this happened after the Resurrection. This earthquake lifts the earthquake recorded at the Crucifixion into a new focus, a spiritual focus. Think of its aligned events.
1.The curtain of the Temple torn from top to bottom,
2.the earth shook,
3.rocks split,
4.tombs broken open,
5.bodies of many holy people raised to life and came out of the tombs,
6.went into the holy city
7.and appeared to many.
Because this is the spiritual Word of God, each of these are occurrences calling for spiritual definition. They are loaded with spiritual intention.
1. The Temple Curtain
When Jesus was crucified the curtain of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. Religion ended. Personal relationship with God restored. The curtain that separated man from God in worship, torn by God above to lift every individual believer into His presence. “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me (Jn.12:32).” You don’t have to go to any intermediary, religious authority or material object to reach the Lord God. Religion is out, relationship is in. You talk straight to the Father. The Son hears, the Holy Spirit delivers and the Father answers. That’s prayer. God responds, so stay spiritually alert. You tell Him what is on your mind and in your heart. The Father knows your heart, the way it really is and for your heart He responds with what your heart really needs. Stay in His Word and it will be your prayer guide for everything you really need.
2.The Earth Shook
That earth is where you are inside. We all shake inside when we face ourselves in God’s sight. Sin is shaken. Mind, heart and spirit are shaken. Our past is shaken. How we are in the world is shaken. Our worldview, the way we really feel about others and how we act in their presence, is shaken. If you want a quick take on this shaking all you have to do is read the Psalms to see ‘shaking’ in its personal form. We may even find we are moving from quake to quake, tremor to tremor and shake to shake.
3.Rocks Split
What really are the rocks in us? Could it be pride and all its supporting cast? Like the attitudes and opinions we hold in our closet to protect ourselves against the pain of rejection and whatever hurt we anticipate. It’s the adjustments we choose to give the most pleasure and the least pain. It’s the brick-like attitudes of our acceptance strategies that make up the walls of our self-designed security fortress. They are the rocks that are split and need splitting.
4.Tombs Broken Open
Tombs hold a dead bodies. The tomb could very well be the encasement our attitudes have built that isolate us from others. We may have hurts from our past that we have chosen an attitude to answer. A generalization that looks at people who we can consider either better or worse than ourselves and avoidance of the one and the playing up to the other for acceptance. The tomb is our self-chosen isolating judgment of others. The heart is our altar in the temple of our body which, unfulfilled spiritually, becomes our tomb.
5.Bodies of holy people raised to life coming out of the tombs
Here is the beautiful promise for those having chosen to be faithful, which by the way, is their holiness. They are raised to life. At physical death they come out of their physical bodies and receive a new body, a spiritual body, because they have been reborn.
6.Went into the holy city
The promise continues. Those who have been spiritually reborn enter the holy city, the new Jerusalem, the spiritual Body of Christ. There are a new set of brothers and sisters bonded together by the Holy Spirit. In this world it is where we grow in the Spirit relationally with the Lord and one another. At our physical death we enter the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for us from the beginning of the world.
7.And appeared to many others
Appearing as called by the risen Lord is what faithful people do. Our mission is to go into the secular world and make our appearance as the Spirit leads. How we appear and what the appearance leads to is being faithful to Jesus and following Him in the Spirit. So, with Jesus, we have personal relational access to God. It means our bodies are no longer tombs but His provision to experience Him personally through faith. The physical tombs into which we were born were broken open and the image of God freed in us. The bodies of those who were faithful raised from the death of eternal aloneness. They came out of that aloneness into a relationship with the living God and entered the new holy city, the Body of Christ, our new relational family. That’s the promise the physical events in Scripture set for every future generation; that those who believe in Jesus have eternal life in an eternal family in the presence of God.
Of course there was an earthquake at the Cross! Everything was shaken, the visible and the invisible. Hallelujah!
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