Resurrection 8 Navigating the World

If you’ve ever been in a boat going through a fog you know you lose sense of direction, you peer into the mist trying to figure out if anything is near you and you pick your way through the invisible. With modern technology a boat finds its way through the fog, can sense where the hidden channels are and what the depth is. The reality is that you trust yourself to something outside yourself to maneuver whether it’s in a fog or in the darkness. This is precisely what takes place in the ‘world.’ This is precisely the point of the Resurrection. This is precisely the parallel to what we need as individuals living in the world. The world is a dark place, misty and foggy, that needs a guide from without to deal with what we are going through within our minds and hearts and in the midst of others.

Jesus has been through it all and has identified with us in our travels among the relational reefs, through the fog of sin and in the depth of our human aloneness. What killed Jesus was the unseen evil in the unseen dimension working through the unseen sins of an unseen fear, hostility and conspiracy of a corrupted world leadership. The perfect human Jesus knew exactly what He was dealing with and exactly what it took to go through the world. He made that trip for us. His only regard was for us. He submitted to His Father’s will, which was to bear the world’s fallenness for our sake. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2Cor.5:21).”

What Jesus did was to navigate through the unseen issues of this world. He bore the Cross through the dark shadows of sin and the devil’s temptations. The Cross lifestyle was His navigation system and the one He set for us. His words, His teachings, His miracles and His final sacrifice were the radar above the ground and His sonar in the depths. Jesus operated in and through the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of life, the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of power. His presence in the Holy Spirit is our navigation system. This is why He gave us His Word so that we would have the navigation manual to learn how His system works. With Him in our hearts we have a navigation system that won’t strand us on the reefs nor will it leave us vulnerable among the spiritual sharks lurking in the depths.

We live life in the unseen dimension every day. All our mental and emotional activity is invisible. Our decisions, choices, perceptions, discernments, conclusions, attitudes and thinking take place in an unseen dimension. Qualities like faith, trust and belief are built into us and what we center them in determines our very existence. If we center them in Jesus we know He is working through them for us.

The Resurrection of Jesus means that He is alive and present at every moment. He is the One we believe with our mind, trust with our heart and have faith in for our spirit. He is our gate into the unseen, our light in the dark world, our bread for food on the trip through it and the One who is the perfect Person to shape us as we go.

No matter what our occupation, our family bloodline, our nationality or ethnic background, He is always there to be the person who gives us an identity beyond the world’s definitions. He places us above the world in order to live within it and witness to the eternal reality of His presence and life. Offering a personal relationship with those who are willing to let Him get His mind around them He is the One who makes the difference in how human experience is lived. He gives them the fullness for the potential with which they were created. We have all the capacities for human fulfillment but He is the only One who can fill them. He is the One with the insight, the inspiration and the plan for us individually. It is a moment-by-moment filling as we are willing to allow it.

More on His filling the mind…stay tuned………

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Comment by Martha H. McGinnis on April 15, 2010 at 10:57am
In Devotional Classics, Frank Laubach's excerpt's from Letters by a Modern Mytic, there is a verse of a song..."Moment by moment, I'm kept in his love; Moment by moment I've life from above; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Momrnt by moment, O Lord, I am Thine." Thank You Jesus

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