Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Spiritual Identity, Knowing Whose We Are
We need to return to the issue of personal spiritual identity. Our society is collapsing from within and the reason is we are losing our personal identity as Americans. But the reason we are losing it is because we are in danger of losing our personal spiritual identity which is the heart of what America was founded on. We have a political leadership that is denying our spiritual history thus our personal eternal spiritual identity by replacing it with a momentary political identity that feeds on holding power and promoting fear.
Three reasons for the slide: first, God has given us our identity as images of Him and we are denying it by not standing up for Him. Second, leaders rejecting God are encouraging self perception to be seen as one's identity so they can stay in power. Without God we are left to our own devices to define ourselves. That's when emotions, inner drives and lack of significance, meaning and purpose become our guides. Third, the collapse of leaders in government, education, religion and industry who have no moral base. What you see in street riots and political demonstrations has little to do with justice and rights. It's personal fear, dissatisfaction with self, not knowing who they really are and the scary hopeless aloneness that results. They have no spiritual identity and neither do their leaders. That's what's being vented. As far as leaders are concerned, their naked fear is exposed by their reaction to the accusations of a tiny few who call them intolerant. Their god is position, wealth and power replacing Father, Son and Holy Spirit.. No wonder they crumble in fear and hide behind false tolerance when they don't even believe any of it themselves. What we have is a culture submitting to a spirit of fear, atmos'fear.'
The key to the 'new' political control is having a strategy that exploits internal uncertainty. One way to obtain that power is to get people divided based on their differences and to make those differences their identity. So its not about what makes us human but about what makes us different. That division is subtly contrived by creating an atmosphere of victimization. It's not about who you really are but what you think and feel you are inside. Play the race card, the ethnic card, the feminine card, the gender card, the abortion card, the gay card, the rich vs. poor card, the refugee card. Drive people inward. If needed, play the joker card being whatever divisive issue will cause more division and self indulging self pity.
Now elect a charismatic figure who exploits those fears and forms a coalition of all the 'victims' to join against those outside 'oppressors.' Elect a “Divider-in-Chief” who can keep people so fixed on their identity, keep them socially paranoid, so that they feel injustice around every corner. Keep the focus on injustice and find new ways to make people feel it. Make others feel guilty if they don't respond. Add tremors of guilt because of skin color or what they own or their social class or whatever has earned them a place in society. Carry it out into international policies by refusing to stand up as a leader proud of his nation. Let people bring other cultures here to replace what made this nation strong. Apologize to any and all for perceived injustices of the past even if they weren't unjust. Gear everything to gain a following as some kind of political messiah and you keep power and rule by intimidation.
But most importantly, do whatever you can to make belief in Jesus Christ an object of hate because He is the greatest threat to our self perception, our self made identity, our fears of not being in control of who we are. The reason? He gives an individual spiritual identity with strength and dignity outside of political power, cultural experience and personal insecurity.
And make sure in the process that Christian identity becomes secondary to state authority. It presents a dangerous idea---spiritual freedom through spiritual power and authority which are not subject to changing moral winds or any world entity. Faith in Jesus gives individuals an identity that is greater than politics. “...You are from God...greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world (1Jn.4:4).” Spiritual identity is the foundation for our emotional, relational, communal, national and professional identities.
Again, when you see the real 'new' minority---the political, corporate, educational, media and social leaders---the ones who are supposed to be moral leaders---quaking in their boots over bathroom use, now take note,--- bathroom use!--- it exposes their fear driven spiritual emptiness. They have no eternal identity. Fear is their tattered clothing, clothing which you see right through. It's sad to watch the frightened stance of the one who leads the National Football League, the 'brave manly sport' business, as he 'boldly' proclaims tolerance while being intolerant of those who are believers in God. Then you have the governor of the State of Georgia backing off what the majority of his constituents believe, for fear of losing business in sports venues. And those are just a few while the 'divider-in-chief' laughs in the comfort of his seat in the oval office. This is the tyranny of the minority, the falling leaves in the Fall of a nation. Pray brothers and sisters, pray.
Will the real children of God, stand up!
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