Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Extra-terrestrial life, flying saucers and alien beings: are they real? Are there other civilizations, more highly developed cultures and super beings wandering about in space? Should we fear them? Speculation abounds, stories of alien sightings and abductions fill books and movies. A whole culture has been built around alien fascination. According to UFO researchers over 4,000,000 people in this country have seen or been in involved in a personal encounter. Every kind of conclusion has been made; secret military projects, undiscovered atmospheric phenomena, government cover-ups, mass hysteria, psychological needs projection, full acceptance as reality and everything in between. So far the central theory is the ‘must theory.’ Considering the huge universe we live in there must be other civilizations that must be more advanced, different and multiple. So far no objective touchable evidence supports the ‘must theory.’ For me all of it is just another distraction to keep us from dealing with the real truth about what is really ‘out there,’ the extra-dimensional spiritual reality of Jesus, mankind's real extra-terrestrial event.
One thing common to all the speculation is the underlying element of fear the extra-terrestrial subject induces. If they are real are they hostile? If they are superior will they enslave us or destroy us? Are they just out there keeping their distance looking for our weaknesses readying for an invasion? Are they already here slowly infiltrating our environment? There is an element of paranoia in it all. But fear is behind the unknown. Unexplainable interior and exterior circumstances cause fear within. Fear is the primary symptom we feel in our aloneness.
Now why do I bring the subject up? Because that is the same fear that caused Jesus to be treated like an alien, the way we think of extra-terrestrials, as an unknown being, someone the secular world feared because, wherever He went, something new and uncontrollable happened. Whether it was the grip He had on a crowd, His penetrating teaching, His extraordinary miracles or the sensitive and confronting way He handled individuals, He was a threat. In a secular world where economic, social, military, political and spiritual thinking was ruled by fear of the state, none of that mattered to Him. His sense of purpose and mission was people who were spiritually adrift in sin. He was threat free. He was the picture of a threat free zone. He was a ‘free spirit,’ a free Holy Spirit-led person in a human body in the ultimate spiritually consumed sense.
Unlike people in power always viewing people and their movements suspiciously, Jesus was a lone individual, a movement in Himself who loved people, shared Himself, was completely open, a “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” unafraid person, the worst kind by secular standards.
The secular world needs you and me to be afraid all the time. New reportage is a constant stream of disasters, murder, tragedies and international struggle all of which are fear ridden, fear incited and designed to keep the public asking for more. Even advertising is designed to keep you afraid of how you appear to others, fear of sickness, accident and death and fear for your financial future.
Fear must be the major human problem since Scripture shows us it is not only angels that appear and say, ‘Fear not’, but Jesus lived a human life minus fear. There is no place in Scripture that shows Jesus feared. He not only taught this was the issue of sin He gave its cure when He taught disciples live without fear, “Be not anxious for your life, what you eat and drink, nor for your body, isn’t your life more important than the body (Matt.6:25)? But who of you being anxious can add a cubit to your stature (vs.27)?” The word for anxiety in Greek is merimnate. It means equally to worry which other translations use. Anxiety, worry, trepidation, terror, cowardice, hesitation, dread, reluctance, are shades of fear but it is still all fear. True, He said He didn’t really want to suffer the pain of the Cross but that was not fear it was His opportunity to tell His Father, and that for our sake, not His will but His Father’s be done. Jesus was fearless because He was faithful.
Faith is the opposite of fear and also its cure.
Being faithful as opposed to fearful is why Jesus taught “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not be anxious, (worry), about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious (worry) worry about itself (Matt.6:33).”
Jesus was not talking about faith in the ‘macho’ sense but in the humble acceptance and desire of faith to please His Father. Perfect love casts out fear. He loved His Father. He loves us. The secular world is the opposite. It wants to define and control, through fear, every aspect of human relationships apart from God. Secular authority wants to be God. The Cross says no to all of that. The Resurrection is the exclamation point.
So I’m willing to say that Jesus is an extra-terrestrial, that is, He comes from the spiritual dimension, the extra dimension, the dimension out of which the whole universe comes, God’s dimension. This is not about ‘flying saucers’ or cabbage pods floating across space. This is about the revelation of God the Son being born into a human body whose mission is to interact with fallen human beings to give them eternal life. God made the terrestrial in order for human beings, His images to live in it and be spiritually related to Him and one another as a foreshadowing of His celestial Kingdom. Anything less is a distraction from thinking truth. The terrestrial is the training ground, the sharing ground, the proving ground for the celestial. Just as the physical universe is beyond the ability of humans to measure so the Kingdom of God is a spiritual immeasurable.
It’s the Cross of Christ that takes us beyond the world while we are in it. It takes us to Him as the center of both the terrestrial and the celestial. The Cross is Jesus bridging the gap between them.
The Cross was the summarized totality of suffering that Jesus, through faith, endured to restore sin-broken imperfect humanity, first, by living a perfect personal human life, second, by having a perfect personal human relationship with God and third, by being an eternal perfect human heart available for every imperfect person who would receive Him by faith. He is the light for faith, He is the bread of faith and He is the Shepherd of faith. He opens the eyes of the mind and heart to see and feel, He gives spiritual life through His Word and He personally guides and sustains each believer through His Spirit. He brings grace to cover us, love to bind us and truth to share.
Jesus didn’t just die on the Cross. He died the first day He was in the Temple as a boy confounding the scholars and elders. He lived in the face of death every time He proclaimed the truth from the Word, correcting the Pharisees, challenging the legalists and building a reputation as the Messianic figure. Death lay in wait for Him wherever He went. He was assaulted by the fear-filled religious authorities, the hostility in the hearts of political powers and the indifference and compromising drifts of an easily swayed public. He didn’t say what He did to be different and appear fearless. He said what He had to say because He was God in the flesh in Whom fear was impossible. He showed that when one loves like He loved His Father, fear has no power. If you love someone you will face whatever stands in front of you for the sake of that person.
Jesus died because He was uncontrollable faith, love, truth and grace. This was an alien in a world ruled by the power of fear and death. Every instance of Jesus’ life on earth recorded in Scripture was a picture of faith’s perfection. He showed what God intended when the human mind, heart and spirit were led by faith. When Jesus opened His mind truth was defined. When Jesus shared His heart love was felt. When Jesus gave His Spirit a new inner way of life emerged. He had to die.
The Cross carried numbed humanity above and beyond sin, evil and the clutching hate of the devil and his spirits. He carried every bit of the spiritual failure of humanity, its descent into aloneness, fear and pride, into pit of their source, the devil and his hell. He carried it all, bore it on His back, the aloneness, the heartache, the separation and flung Himself into the Pit with its curse and the Pit couldn’t touch Him. He finished His work on the Cross, the defeat of the devil, evil spirits and demons and the sin that plagues mankind. In Jesus truth was reason guided by God’s will, the heart vulnerable to feeling the hearts of others and faith in His Father’s presence in every next moment.
The Cross was the seal of human life perfectly lived by faith.
The Resurrection was the seal that said Jesus was and is the only way to live---forever.
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