Where God's Kingdom Meets Man's Heart.
Remember the Alamo! was a battlecry to rally Texans. But patriotism has taken a different swing into the moral sphere. You can almost say we have reached into our recent past and found a new rallying cry, ‘Remember Woodstock!’ Follow the following follow-up.
We’ve been talking about making a religion out of nouns. One not so subtle principle in the world is to take a God-word and make it into a religion. This is done by grabbing a word that makes people feel good, separate it from God and deify it. Take for instance the word love. The Bible uses a simple three word phrase to define love, “God is love (1John 4:8).” This means the word love is not only a concept but a Person, the One God acting out His living nature.
But what does mankind do with the word love?
He separates it from the One who gives it life, redefines it and comes up with a personal definition that enables him to justify any inner compulsion that will make him feel good. How many unwanted pregnancies, shattered emotions, neuroses and disillusioned lives has spiritual theft produced over the centuries? It’s absolutely amazing how the human brain can lose its logical ability in the lust of the moment. When love is reduced to an emotion it subjects the mind to numbing fantasy, planned conspiracy and self-excusing behavior, ’…if it feels good..’, you know the rest. Buoyed by satan’s spirit-machine the mind is seduced, the heart follows, the spirit out-spirited and the body engaged.
But love is not a religion you say. Oh, really? When the word is separated from God it becomes a pursuit into mind, heart and spirit activity. Pursuit is worship. Because of sin it flies under the language radar and takes on whatever man’s mind wants to make it. Now give it a little secular intellectual push. Modern psychology uses the language of repression to trump our moral antennae so that we have an intellectual excuse to make our own rules. If we repress our natural desires our psyches are injured so we are required to fulfill whatever the moment offers.
Now observe the process, a situation presents itself, the view is good and the hormones are engaged. The mind signals possible damage to the psyche so follow whatever and wherever the heart leads and enjoy the spirit of the moment. That brothers and sisters is religion. That was what the Hebrews faced in the fertility religions they were called to erase from the Promised Land. It was the worship of the fertility mechanism in the human body, in animals and in agriculture. Fertility worship was the practice of the Diana religion in Ephesus, the Baals and Moloch cults that plagued the Hebrews and held power in the Middle East for several thousand years.
It is the same religion you see on TV, R and X-rated movies. It is lifestyled, practiced and encouraged by the Hollywood fashionistas. It’s a religion that makes money and extravagant claims of entertainment, pleasure and personal fulfillment to draw us away from God and separate us from one another. It is a worshiping, life-exhausting and eroding descent into modern Baal religion. Its language is the vulgar ego-tough obscenities that have become the means of communication to say ‘you can be one of us, join in.’ Even medical research lured by the promise of riches cohabits with this new Baalism to offer us male and female enhancement drugs and paraphernalia to promote its fantasies.
Don’t tell me this is not religion and religion in spades. It’s loaded with worship, immoral commandments, hyped pleasure literature and temples called ‘gentlemen’s clubs’ and actual cathedral cities of self-abandonment like Reno, Los Angeles, Las Vegas to convert the unsuspecting and guarantee that “what happens in Reno stays in Reno.” There is really nothing new under the sun is there? Every generation repeats history. Now having redefined love it is politicized and the cultural swag begs us to accept and legalize a tiny minority behavior called homosexuality and make it the ‘new normal.’ Already the polygamists, the pedophiles and bestiality groups wait at the city gates with application forms in hand. ‘We’re next!’ they shout. If there was ever a time for the Isaiahs, Jeremiahs and Daniels to step forward it is now. Perhaps even as this is written those with the ‘chutzpah’ to re-announce God’s judgment awaits those who call evil good and good evil.
Oh yes, love, hmmm. Wasn’t that how we started? Look where it has led this writing. We began with God’s own word ‘love’ and what mankind has done to separate it from God. Look where we have ended up. Mankind has made love an exploitable gender-free noun thus a religion of his own invention. It’s gotten to the point in our day our society actually accepts and believes love can be made. The hippy, in blind comparison shouts, ‘Make love not war!’ That is the height of sin-drenched human arrogance. Make love? You’ve got to be kidding. Help us all Lord, jerk us back on the train that says you are love and we can neither make God nor love because you O God in your love made us to begin with and your love is what you in your mercy went to the Cross to extend to us, to forgive us and makes us whole again. Return us to worshiping you, following you and serving you for you alone are the One God from whom all existence comes and all blessings flow.
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